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Dogs Vs. Wolves

Published on 29 Oct 2022 / In People & Blogs

There is a saying among women I’m sure you’ve heard, that is “men are dogs”. They say this as a bad thing but they actually like the idea. And in recent years we have seen many women replacing male companionship with that of a dog. Even going as far as to replace possible future children with a dog, and calling themselves “Dog Moms”. Women do this with dogs and not other animals because dogs have gone through thousands of years of devolution through domestication and selective breeding in order to make them less dangerous, more docile and more easily dominated than the wolves they evolved from. Dogs have been bred for the right size and aesthetic beauty. They have been domesticated to remove any wildness and even independence from them and they have been made dependent upon humans for their survival, and then trained for obedience and servitude of man. And you see this is what women want in a partner. They want someone who they can talk to but who will not talk back, but will just listen to them as they vent, and obey them whenever they are giving a command. Someone who will never argue or even disagree because they are incapable of speaking, and who has to do whatever they want them to do because they have the ability to put them on a leash and literally lead them wherever they want them to go, even into a small cage. They want a man who gives them the companionship, the love and affection that they desire and need in order to feel emotionally good, and who doesn’t need anything in return except to be fed. They do not want the challenges of having to consider someone else's feelings and provide emotional support, have intelligent intellectual conversations, deal with differences of opinions and decisions and negotiate ideas, do relationship work, put effort into sex to give their man pleasure, or respect his independence and human rights. They do not want someone who has human rights and characteristics like they have. Feminism has shown us for some time that they do not regard men as having human rights. They like to think of us as Dogs because that is the perfect type of being for them. And most women actually succeed in turning men into well behaved domesticated dogs. In fact the women with the highest marketplace value often use this power to try to find the biggest, most successful, independent, wild wolf like alpha male that they can find and to try to tame and domesticate him and turn him into an obedient little lap dog supplicating to them for treats. You see women want to take the wild sovereign nature out of men and to tame them so that we will be more submissive and compliant. They take strong men and make them weak, free men and make them slaves. So don’t be their house pets. Retain your wild nature. Retain your independence and freedom. Retain your strength and power. Don’t become a woman's dog. Be a wolf. Wolves are the original form of the dog before it was domesticated, and still houses his wild spirit. Wolves are one of the most successful animals in the animal kingdom due to their ability to live in packs or alone, their intelligence, their social skills, their endurance and perseverance, and their animal instincts. So don’t be a devolved dog, be a pure and primal wolf. Tap into that animal nature. Be true to yourself and your natural spirit and the wildness within you. Don’t obey their commands like a dog, growl back like a wolf.

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Sex Ed For Men:

Female On Male Sexism Exposed:

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 2 years ago

Excellent observations. I can relate to this as well. Several years ago I dated a woman who owned a small dog. I think it was a French Bichon. She made it a point to tell me she got a male dog on purpose but never elaborated why. She kept that poor devil in a small cage all day while she was at work for 9 hours and any time she left the house. Reminded me of the Gimp in the movie Pulp Fiction. I got the vibe that his situation was pretty much how she envisioned any relationship with a man should be.

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Masculinism Movement
Masculinism Movement 2 years ago

Shit man that is dark as fuck. That dog must have suffered extreme mental health issues and restlessness while locked up like that. Keep in mind that their lives are shorter so they expereince time in a stretched out sort of fashion, so in dog time that was what 7 times as long?

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 2 years ago

@Masculinism Movement: I agree it was really dark. She claimed it was because he'd tear things up such as anything paper. She could have just put him in her spare room that had almost nothing in it. The dog was definitely messed up, always nervous and on edge. I used any reason I could to let him out during the few months I was with her just to get him some space and freedom.

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Masculinism Movement
Masculinism Movement 2 years ago

@Calling All Stations: jesus man that woman shouldn't have been a dog owner. It really makes you think about why she would even have a dog....

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