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Don't Ask Out Female Co Workers - MGTOW

Published on 26 Jun 2021 / In Film & Animation

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Dude risked his employment to learn a hard lesson

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from George. He didn't give me a topic and told me to choose something myself. So I'd like to read something I found on Reddit called: "Dude risked his employment to learn a hard lesson". It's a long read so before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, here's the comment someone posted on Reddit and I quote: "I was invited to my company’s luxury box to watch a football game. Normally a couple of bigwigs are there, a few big money clients or vendors, and a handful of other people. I was excited to go. One of the vendors brought a couple of their employees, including a woman who I would guess is in her late 20’s/early 30’s. She’s very attractive. About midway through the 2nd quarter, I was standing at the drink rail behind the seats, and she was across the room in a different conversation. I was turned partly in her direction while I was talking to our CFO, and she & I made eye contact. She smiled, I smiled. About 2 minutes later, she’s standing next to me. We strike up a conversation about the play on the field. She’s been a fan of this team for a long time. Conversation keeps going. We talk about the game, about our jobs, about our pets, then our hobbies, then where we went to school. We’ve got a lot in common, apparently. For the rest of the game, we keep talking. Other than getting drinks or using the restroom, neither of us moved from that spot on the drink rail. As the conversation goes, she’s laughing and smiling. Begins touching my arm when she laughs. Personal space shrinks and we’re standing in very close proximity (so much so that we’re talking on normal conversational voices, despite being in a crowded place). At one point, I had my hand on my beer, she had her hand on her drink, our hands were close. She reached her pinky out, and we....I dunno....held hands (fingers?) for a few minutes. Until one of us took a drink. Anyway- The football is winding down, all I’ve seen are green lights. My flirting game isn’t strong, but....I was sure this was going well. Anyway, exact quote from me- “I’m enjoying this, and think you’re cool. Would you like to meet up again sometime for a drink or something?” She flips out. I hear (loudly) how she HAS A BOYFRIEND (in a tone I can only describe as a mix of aghast and disgusted). I’m surprised she didn’t finish the sentence by calling me ‘creep’ or something. It was unbelievably embarrassing, in front of a number of high-ups at my company. And now I have no idea what I’m walking into on Monday, and am virtually sure my days of being invited to corporate events are over. Yesterday (Monday) morning, I was at work about 5 minutes before I got called into my boss’ office. The HR person was already there. I got a written Record of Discussion, an assurance that while it goes in my file there are no negative disciplinary implications. I have to retake sexual harassment training within the next 30 days (despite having just taken it last month). I tried to plead my case a bit, but HR said that what mattered was I made her feel uncomfortable. Uncomfortable enough to complain. When the conversation was over and HR left, my boss asked me to hang back for a minute. He said ‘That whole exercise was bullshit. All the way around’, and that I was still good with him. His advice- even if someone is coming on hard, don’t respond at work functions or around people I work with. Honestly, sounds like good advice to me right now." unquote.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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jerryc 4 years ago

Rule #12 Never date a co-worker

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JohnnyBlaze 4 years ago

K what in the actual f..... listening to that guys story if she was doing all that stuff id be 100 percent sure about it lol

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TheWealthy1 4 years ago

So glad I wasn't red pilled when I had to work a corporate job with HR breathing down my neck. Focus on your health and money men.

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bigintol03 4 years ago

It was a set-up, plain and simple! These modern cunts LOVE doing shit like this, it either makes them feel superior to men or they like to see guys get all riled up just to jerk the rug out from underneath them! Just keep your distance fellas, they're all fucking nuts...and it's only going to get worse!

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