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Don't Be Nice To Your Girlfriend? - MGTOW

Published on 09 Aug 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a more than generous donation from someone named Nathan, you know who you are. I'm going to dedicate five videos to you including this one which is the first. What I'd like to talk about is something that came up in a recent Skype chat I had with someone. Let's call him DJ. We were discussing how when you're nice to women, when you pay for a vacation or buy her an expensive dinner far too often the woman is going to get angry with you for doing nice things for her. If it involves spending a lot of money. But if you buy something like a five dollar bouquet of flowers the woman loses her mind with happiness. As a man it makes no rational sense. DJ said that he asked one of his friends about this and his friend told him not to pay things for women because he says that it makes them feel like whores. I told DJ that I believe that that women assume that they have higher status than you if you pay for things because it's a way to make up for your inadequacies with regards to being with her. In turn that makes them question why there are with you. DJ told him that the guy that told him this is one of the smartest men in the world. But I don't think any of us men can know exactly what it is about being nice to a woman and paying for something expensive for her is really doing in her brain. Perhaps if we get them to giggle and laugh when we press them for an answer to our question that might get us men the closest to the truth. Recently I've been going to a homeopathic doctor with some machine from the 1960s that looks like it belongs in Star Trek the original series with blinking lights and an ohmeter that correctly diagnosed my issues. How a machine accurately guessed all of the things I can't eat because I have an allergy to them and my throat swells and I get mild to moderate anaphylaxis. I went to another homeopath after that with the same type of machine, only computerized and the results were 95% identical and more detailed. How does it work? I don't know. But sometimes the how and why isn't as important as the outcome. As many of you know I've spoken about
precognition working through dreams connected to future events where you're emotional and there's a light source nearby that's 3200 degrees Kelvin. I don't know why it works just that it does. That it's predictable and that it happens over and over again. Just like I know that buying a woman flowers from my experience makes her feel the same way everytime that I do it. It's like the woman is an NPC and the same pre programmed stimulus will get the same result. Just like sex with any woman will lead to the guy smoking a cigerette, passing out and then waking up to raid the fridge. I believe that our psychology and our understanding of female nature is also the same way as homeopathy and the procognitive stuff I mentioned. All we have are observations and theories. Just like we have the theory or relativity that can be revised if we gain a new understanding about space and time. Both theories, the one about women feeling like whores and the one about women feeling like you are lower status for purchasing things for them are explanations for female behavior. I'll get to my thoughts about this and other reasons why you shouldn't be nice to your girlfriend in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection:

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by "Videezy.com"

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Furioso 4 years ago

I'dont waste my time with modern fefails ,i go to brothels for that .Hookers are more clean ,honest ,nicer and cheaper .What is the interest to be with someone if you have to be rude or indifferent ? Women are fucked up creatures .I don't understand why men still dating these dirty hoes ,they are not feminine anymore ,it's stressful and risky to be with them .

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 4 years ago

when young men realize they all ar bleeding vaginas with no other use why women were slaves long ago for no other reason look at women in western societies no job they used that vagina to get the best men rich men no white women around in mining communities.

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Hammerhead69 4 years ago

Treat like she's expendable and you have other offers, she will work harder for you.

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JavierMgtaoism 4 years ago

Doing things for women has been deeply programmed into most men and breaking free from that program requires much, much determination and work. Yes, women feel entitled to everything and men farther feed that entitlement . It appears that the more men do for women the more women expect from men. So, do nothing for women. Women get angry at jerks for not doing things for them but they continue loving them.

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ShadowMonk 4 years ago

Amen, I certainly won’t respect thots and especially mean-hoes

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