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Don't Date Hot Women - MGTOW

Published on 03 Jul 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Terry and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, Don't ever date a model, I did and almost asked her to marry me and then less than a year later (she was a College grade behind me from a different school) she cheated me by screwing another guy, right before the week I was to ask her hand in marriage! So I joined the USA Army after that whole episode!? Well Terry thanks for the donation and sharing your story. The moral of the story is not simply to not date women that are models but not to date women that are extremely attractive and hot. Both Turd Flinging Monkey and myself chose to date down back in our dating days because when you're with a woman that has lower sexual marketplace value it's a lot harder for her to monkey branch to another man. That doesn't mean your life will be better if you date down either thinking she will respect you and take you seriously because you are more attractive relative to her. It just means she will be on her best behavior a lot longer until she figures that you're hooped by her love and then she'll slowly like the borg assimilate your mind until you service her and her collective of family and friends. Every guy wants to have an attractive woman on their arm so they can impress their friends and family and have attractive looking children. But they aren't thinking about the idea that whenever they go out in public with her men are staring at her and don't care that she's in a relationship with him. How long before a man with more money and status sees her and offers to be with her? It's inevitable. I'll discuss this more in just one moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the I got cheated on so I joined the Space marines clown world show. Terry I'm sorry to say this but didn't you over react to your model ex girlfriend cheating on you by joining the army? Sometimes the worst time to make major life decisions is when you're emotional after a divorce or breakup. As men without a partner by our side we lose our purpose and have an existential crisis because we don't know what to do with our lives. By joining the army you're basically saying that you've lost your purpose in life and you're looking for a government agency to give you purpose again. That you're going to go off to boot camp surrounded by guys so you don't have to see another woman for weeks or months. That's how heart broken you probably were Terry. That's why you shared your story because even up to today she's still on your mind because subconsciously you wanted to knock her up to give you the best possible quality offspring you could ever have. That's why she shook you up so much. I remember the first time in my teens that a girl I was with for a couple of months that was perfect for me broke things off. It was the first and only time that a relationship ended where I didn't want it to end or where the breakup was mutual. It was before my exam period in high school and it effected my ability to study. I was in shock but in a way it was good that I had exams because they distracted me from the heartache. Even still it took me another two to three weeks after that to stop thinking about her. After that I never dated anyone that I found as attractive. I don't know if that was a conscious decision or if it was something I did automatically so I wouldn't be hurt like that again. After that there were many women that were more attractive than her that showed interest in me and it was like there was a blind spot in my brain that didn't
acknowledge their interest.

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Leader_Desslok 4 years ago

I would wager that this was not the first time that she had cheated on him. Fortunately he discovered her true nature BEFORE the marriage !

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WMHarrison94 4 years ago

Oh Sandma, women are at boot camp bro. I bet he just needed to kill something...

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frank jacobsson
frank jacobsson 4 years ago

Models are far worse and far more hypergamous than average women.

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AvyScottAndFlower 4 years ago


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havok545 4 years ago

Models are great to date but NOT marry. They get their butts kissed so much by everyone that when you simply tell the truth and NOT kiss their butts they fawn all over you. I dated models and actresses back in the early 90's I called them out on their crap while everyone kissed their butts and they were drawn to me like flies. I don't know how social media has affected them today but back then it was great dating them.

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