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Don't draw your gun if you can't shoot. - Lead poisoning edition.

54 vistas
Publicado en 14 Dec 2022 / En Animales de compañía

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 años hace  

He was asking for it. He got it.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 años hace

BLM gets the nod from me.. They are Americans and deserve the American opportunity that was stolen from us.. I saw my parents generation able to do better than my generation.. this is where some old faggit usually interjects that if I was not lazy and doing drugs etc,, but that is pure bullshit.. I have a big house paid off since 2003 on over 3 acres./. and cannot make a living. .the cops get the finger from me. time for mass deportations!

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 años hace


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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 años hace

The catholics have taken over and running America like a big old colonial plantation..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 años hace

no money for Americans but plenty of money for colonial war and immigrants.. and you talk to a cop about what is going on and he will treat you like a criminal..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 años hace

The cops are like a war against the people.. and the people need to create an army to fight back.. and I supported black lives matter.. because ,, it's true imo.. who let in 70 million hispanics??? who gave them money and jobs????

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 años hace

well, if the dude in the car killed that one cop then he is 1:1.. and made a difference.. He should have shot him cleanly at the car thats for sure.. instead he gets out exposing himself and dealing with 2 cops.. its pressure but if you are gonna do something do it.. I mean , what kind of black lives matter is he?. he could have taken out 2 and then caused even more trouble.. but if he killed that one cop then he did alright., It's a legacy.. and a statistic.. become a cop.. hassle poor oppressed people,, lose your life. that cop may have been handing out food baskets on the beach for all I know.. I SEE what is going on.. THEY ARE NOT PROTECTING AMERICA!!!

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 años hace

Nobody has protected America.. the cops are making it happen for the rich people and the beaners..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 años hace

and just exactly how do so many drugs cross the borders???? the fbi ,, the cops ,, they are not cops and fbi agents.. they are punks

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 años hace

they probly voted for biden. . it will get worse imo.. and I will not be helping the socalled good guys.,.

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Councilof1 2 años hace

That was a crazy shootout. The guy in the back seat caught them off guard. I also think that's why American cop's are aggressive as they are. Not a job I'd want to do.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 años hace

No one is forcing them to take that job. In this case, they acted accordingly. I criticise them a lot, but I also know to show the other side. This is one of those cases.

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TelepathicRapist 2 años hace

@The Man Inside: I'm telling you man. People overseas just don't understand the pure chaos of the modern American city. These officers are at high risk of death in these traffic stops. This was wild, stuff like this rarely happens in Europe. These urban hellholes in usa are a different league then being an officer anywhere in Europe.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 años hace

@TelepathicRapist: over here, that who shot him would be done for life. Blacks have the same protection as gypsies, emptying a magazine on a fucker like that, no matter the reason would be the end of that man. Although there's a police force here that doesn't care, but those are a different breed and do not respond to the same people in power.

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