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Don't Get Scammed By Traditional Wives They Don't Exist - MGTOW

Published on 29 Sep 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Fat Cat and here's what she has to say: "Hello Sandman, I was wondering if you could tell me what a traditional wife even is? To me all meaning of a traditional women or wife seems lost and people feel nostalgic for the 1950s idea of a women staying home to raise kids and baking pies. Here are some pictures of me baking an apple pie. You can use them if you feel like it. I made a separate one for my son since I don't want him eating deserts with raisins soaked in alcohol just jet. I learned to make this myself since I don't like the ones from stores or bakeries. For me it was easier to bake the pie then write this video request. I don't understand this whole housewife idea anyway and why you would even call me traditional for doing tis? It feels like your mocking me. Maybe it is the way I've been raised? Both my parents would make insane hours when my dad started out his business. My mother would still be making calls till midnight from what I've been told. Both my grandmothers worked. One helped my father with his business despite being illiterate and the other worked a government job as a secretary. I know my great grandparents worked on fields and farmed growing up. I don't even think this is a culture thing, more like a class thing. Even in the west if you are a bakers wife, you would learn to bake and sell bread. Sorry I'm not a lady in a Jane Austen book. I would be one of those unfortunate women who worked as a maid and maybe a governess if I was lucky. Something that has always stuck me as strange with feminist saying women could not have jobs. Women have always had jobs, just not the glamorous ones. Anyway if you can explain to me what a traditional wife even is or at least according to you, I like to know. As you can tell it's sorta lost one me." Well Fat Cat thanks for the donation and topic. You answered your own question when you said that she's a woman that stays home and takes care of the kids while making food. When I was from the age of three until around seven I was raised by a traditional mother until she went off to work. The only reason she could afford to was because I moved to Canada at that age and it was still affordable in the early eighties on just the one salary of my father. I would say that stopped being the case in the mid to
late eighties. So that's probably one of the reasons your mother wasn't traditional. What people call the trad wife is something that began to exist for most families in the west in the late 1940s and 1950s up until the mid 1980s. The picture of women living in a suburban home banging the mailman from boredom while their husband is off at work is an historical abnormality. Before technology in the kitchen and laundry room cooking and cleaning was an incredibly labor intensive process. Cooking would cook over a wood burning oven and scrubbing clothes by hand which was exhausting. That was the job. Even in the early to mid twentieth century there were university programs teaching women to do it. This building was established in Toronto in 1902 at the university of Toronto and it's called the Department of Household Science.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

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sauger1001 5 months ago

They're definitely the exception rather than the rule. Better instead to take the advice of that late
Sage of the Pacific Northwest:
"And don't get married."
The late Vention MGTOW

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

Socrates argued that a busy bee was the best wife because she never got to sit and contemplate always too busy... I think Plato was onto something...

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

Ah... the good ole days...Bitches who listened and had dinner cooked, homecooked healthier meals and not mystery chemical soy infested manufactured meals...No wonder the kids are so fucked today.

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