Don't Just Talk About It Do It
Published on 16 Jul 2023 / In
Film & Animation
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Plus size femon video next, SoloMan? Is that what are you thinking?
I, whole-heartedly, agree with the concept of relocating one's "Locus if Validation" from the External to the Internal. This is not to say that all others are completely ignored, but that the primary (priority) focus in on your own outcome, be it short-term, mid-term or long-term.
The pursuit of eternal youth through surgery and drugs is quite lucrative, my advice to these creatures is get a taxidermist to permanently capture their so called beauty before gravity and time rob them of their so called bloom. Thanks SoloMan for the entertainment, the wind of truth may wake-up the slumber of the masses, however l will not hold my breath. Have a brilliant finish to the weekend, Prost.