Don't leave a gun on your couch when you have children
Published on 29 Sep 2023 / In
Film & Animation
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Brain Dead Cunts...
Seriously - I can train my cats with 3 x 5 second therapy sessions to not be coming into the kitchen and be running between my legs while I am cooking and handling pots of hot food etc..
These stupid cunts leave guns lying around (idiots) and their kids are free to fuck with them..... FOR YEARS.
Unfucking believable.
What the fuck is wrong with people!!! If your going to have guns, take the kids to a gun range, when they are old enough, teach them how to handle a pistol and rifle properly. Until then keep them locked away form the little kids. If you are cleaning them have the little one watch ask questions and make sure the understand what these tools are capable of.
Duh. Get a shelf or put one free floating on the wall...
All those adults not one braincell.
is that a mexican household, looked like there where at last 2 grown adult men a woman on the couch that might be dead and a shitton of kids...
This idiot is a prime example of a guy who NEVER should of been permitted to even be near a fckn gun.
My guns either locked up and hidden or attached to my side via its holster (good luck trying to take that before I get hands on you) or its literally within a foot of me for quick and easy acquisition against any sudden threat at home........................but NEVER in any way or form open for a 'CHILD' to even touch........if I had kids I'd be even more anal about it, fuck I'd hold the image of 'dropping the fckn soap in prison showers' in my mind to make damn sure I never did such a stupid thing.