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Don't Panic Episode 2 Crackdown on Communications

Published on 28 Jul 2021 / In Film & Animation

⁣A warning wise to heed.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

Old school systems such as this website and it's add-on

Also I'm like you when it comes down to using slightly older smart phones where you can easily replace your battery when the old one dies.

Mine is a 2017 Galaxy J7 Sky Pro.
Probably one of my favorite phones, even though it's kind of old it allows me a lot more control and some of the new ones who have the built-in batteries.

Also I recommend an app called data saver Plus on Android. This app allows you to pretty much prevent any of your other apps from using the internet unless you allow them to, this means when they are scripted to Auto turn on and use data, they will not have access to data because that app destroys their ability to turn on.

I have also ran into the issue of my texts being censored, just yesterday it happened to me when I was texting my family, however I was able to bypass this issue by opening up a new text to that person.

I'm also one of those people who do not allow my apps to auto-update, I prevent my phone from All Access and doing such a thing because I like to have full control of my phone and what it accesses.

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