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Don Lemon FACE MELTS When Brit Says WHITES Deserve Reparations FROM Black People For Ending Slavery

Published on 20 Sep 2022 / In News & Politics

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KEEPER 2 years ago  

this is actually pretty fucking funny.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 years ago

This Tim is such a FOOL. "Let's end poverty"! Either he is completely oblivious to what surrounds him, which I doubt, or he is in on it. His kind, Rogan is another example, are not the ones to trust or follow. They are commies in disguise.

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

Agreed. The shock was priceless!

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KEEPER 2 years ago

@The Man Inside: Tim actually was a lefty who came from the Democrat party, it's been a very slow redpilling for him, I don't think he's perfect and there are things I Dissagree with him on, butlt I think his show is still important as it brings on conversations that need to be talked about. I still think he's pretty full of himself, and he's very ignorant on certain situations, but some situations I have seen him and prove on throughout the years, where before he would talk about his opinion on something and he'd come off as an idiot because he didn't understand the situation nor anything within, but eventually he has run into people who have fully explained to him certain aspects of where he was wrong, and he's corrected himself. So he may not please all tastes, but I believe he still learning and has been improving, but he's still a big fence sitting moron LOL. He will still bow down to the establishment even though in the past he has said that he would be happy living in his van down by the river if he were ever to be kicked off, well I think that mentality is being red pilled out of him, because now he has another website and he's using rumbles infrastructure to keep away from censorship, now I don't think he's gone far enough just yet, but it's still a good start. A lot of people stay on YouTube because that's where most of your numbers are found, even conservatives do this, so they play the game of somewhat censoring themselves in order to stay on YouTube, while their message still grows within the circles who talk about all the needed discussions that need to happen. Again, he's not perfect, but I think he deserves a little bit more credit than just outright calling him a commie, I do think he repeats the definition of an insanity on certain subjects and doesn't seem to understand how that affects how people view his opinions, but at the same time you can't please everybody, it doesn't matter what kind of video you do there's always someone who's not going to like it for whatever reason.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 years ago

@KEEPER: Although I call him Tim Fool, I'm aware he is a smart man. He knows how to be appealing to both sides of the fence, one by triggering them just enough, and the the other by not pissing them too much. He is like a whore, he follows the smell of money. He got into the circles of Jones, Rogan, Shapiro and others, and he is copying and improving on what they did/do. I do watch some of his videos, a 30m video could be compiled into a 7 or 10 minutes video, there's too much hot air. Don't let him fool you, SHTF and he goes full red licking Xi boots. He will.

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KEEPER 2 years ago

@The Man Inside: your probably right. He would likely take the Cowardly Lions way out.

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sbseed 2 years ago

slavery is not the most discusting thing, the real holocaust the jews used to celebrate and still do of cutting up babies drinking their blood and worse....
that is the most disgusting thing ever, that is where they leanred about adrynochrome and torturing kids harvesting the adrynal gland and then used and killed and tossed.

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sbseed 2 years ago

what she said about the britains being first to end slavery is a fabricated lie... america was first, british fallowed along, if america had not started that the UKistan would still have slavery to this day....
everything after that is pretty accurate, the africans and jews where the ones that where collecting selling/buying slaves.

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KEEPER 2 years ago

yeah, i thought that was a lie, the British did do it after America did. i mean they were trying to tax the people who escaped them and started their new colony in America, the king needed to be removed from his head if you ask me, but luckily they lost the war and finally fucked off.

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ExperimentalGroup 2 years ago

No , absolutely reparations should be paid. But upon taking the monies, they should be required to evacuate the country immediately. Like escorted in a boat and sent back.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 years ago

They don't seem to realize that there's a whole continent of people who look like them, where they are not welcome and would be killed on the spot the moment they behaved like they do in Europe And the Americans. Ungrateful cunts.

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

Priceless. Make Africans pay for the whatever fuck payments.

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