Done Riddance Deadbeat Grandma
Published on 10 Sep 2023 / In
Film & Animation
I have finally found out my entire family's darkest secret they've been keeping from me now that I know that my deadbeat grandma sill living cheryl packard abused my grand father to death, But she furned my dad and whole both sides of the family agianst me. Shes' an unforgivable snake.
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Right now, free speech is being killed by government over reach and corporate censorship. I am glad you got this off your cheat, but it could be used against you. Those among MGTOW who used their real names and/or showed their face will have havoc later one/ I wish all of us had TFM and RGE's sense for privacy and protect themselves more. I know they tried to shame us into revealing ourselves, but it was all just another shit test...
Hey buddy. I always liked your positive polite demeanor before.. Hope you get things sorted out. .best. it dont matter though.. let'er rip/.