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Published on 29 Jun 2020 / In Pets & Animals


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KEEPER 5 years ago  

bestiality is a sign that the apocalypse is nearby.
well according to the bible. i read the bible and all manor of degenerate shit was happening before the earth was cleansed or flooded.

but god also said he would never flood the earth again, so i guess we have to live through this shit ffs.

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Doggk 5 years ago

a lot of people will die during WW3 ! Islam talks about it in much more details than the bible.. They call that period the Malhamah (Great Tribulation for christians and jews).. During that period many people will die.. The war will be a war where 99% of the soldiers will die.. The people who survived that period will seriously be traumatised and mentally destroyed ! And after that period Dajal will appear (Anti Christ).. Mohamed predicted the atomic bomb in his words, he said there will be black gray smoke like a mushroom in the sky.. John in the bible did the same with the bombing raid sirens which he called trumpets.. David in the torah and bible did the same with the beasts he described.. The beast we have to fear now is USA because it is an EMPIRE and David asoociated the beasts with empires... (Roman Empire, German Empire, etc..) A lot of signs already happened and some are actually happening.. If you want to know them in more details go look in the Coran and torah too, it's very interesting ! And it completes some missing parts in the bible ;-)

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KEEPER 5 years ago

@Doggk: most of my life when i went to church, they said that much was missing from the bible because so many ppl keep taking out pages, and that one day when the time was right that those missing pages will be reunited. perhaps this is where they are or have been all along. like the section of worshiping idles of all manor, but there was no story explaining why, until you read about it in the Quran. in ancient times on of the tribes decided to create their version of what god was out of clay and they worshiped that clay until it came to life, the bible doesn't talk about this story, but it would explain why god in the bible made a commandment to never worship idles. in the Quran it is explained that a jinn took hold of the idle. the bible would call these jinn demons. so it's very interesting, now i have not read the full Quran but it was most interesting when i came across this story and i just put the pieces together because it made sense.

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Doggk 5 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: It's easy to guess why they they deleted some verses or pages when you understand the human nature and how history repeats itself. But bro I love your way of thinking ! What you said is entirely right we are on the same boat. But as I already mentionned it once I will say it twice: you fucking deserve your nickname ;-) Peace up bro !

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KEEPER 5 years ago

@Doggk: lol i was actually thinking of changing it to seeking truth or something to that effect. because i'm always looking for the truth, because some times i'm wrong and i have to own it.

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Think or Die
Think or Die 4 years ago

@Doggk: Brother, you are on point- it's just that it was Daniel not King David but that aside- you are spot on.

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Think or Die
Think or Die 4 years ago

I propose the Leviticus Method-

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Holdingtheline 5 years ago

What do you expect from a third world shit whole.

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Chad_Hart 5 years ago

If a man wants to have sex with a jack-ass all he needs to do is get with american women.

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Doggk 5 years ago

hahahaha I always laugh to your jokes bro ! Nice one !

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Ratherbefishing 5 years ago

I know of a Navy guy who was out on the piss in India with a few mixed forces and he was dared to fuck a goat.
Long story short he did, on the skyline, right above the local chiefs house while there was a garden party going on and it was one of the chiefs goats.
Didn't end well.

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