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Donovan DEBUNKS Platonic Friendships | Men & Women CAN'T BE FRIENDS

Published on 24 Apr 2023 / In Entertainment

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The age old "Can men and women be friends" debate.. Can men and women be "Just friends" in a platonic relationship? Donovan Sharpe debunks the "fact" that men and women can be simply "just friends" - stating that there is always a sexual element to the relationship. #men #women #friends #platonic #platoniclove Is the friendzone just a waiting room for the "friends with benefits" zone?

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Friendship is a type of relationship that can exist between any two people, regardless of their gender. While there may be challenges or complications that arise in any type of friendship, gender alone is not a barrier to friendship between individuals.

It is important to note that some people may hold the belief that men and women cannot be friends without some form of romantic or sexual attraction being present. However, this is a misconception and can contribute to harmful stereotypes and gender-based assumptions. Friendship is a valuable and important aspect of human relationships, and everyone has the capacity to form platonic bonds with others, regardless of gender.

In this video, Donovan DEBUNKS the idea of Platonic Friendships between Men & Women. He shares why men & women CAN'T be platonic friends and why it's important to break the cycle of Victorian Mental Health Theory.

If you're believing in the idea of Platonic Friendships between Men & Women, Donovan here to set you straight! He shares why men and women CAN'T be friends and why it's important to break the cycle of Victorian Mental Health Theory. Watch this video to learn the truth about platonic friendships and whether or not men and women can be truly friends!

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