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Donut Queens Unsprint a Perp

Published on 12 May 2024 / In Film & Animation

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Found it... Jeremy from the Quartering reposted the same video with a location in the start.

Capri Beach, Texas.

IF you go here and then spin around - it's the location all rightey.

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2901 N Shoreline Blvd Corpus Christi, Texas

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Shadewalker 4 months ago

What a good night for a jog.

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I had a scummy meth head junky who was like the runner.... How come the Two Fat Fairies, are not just shooting her in the back... Duh - she can outrun them - it's obvious by the time she got to the other side of the street.....

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I have no idea what guns they carry and how many rounds each holds, but at 20 meters - "Stop or we will shoot" - And one round past her ear to show that they mean business....

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And if she doesn't stop - 20 rounds at her legs...

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sauger1001 4 months ago

All caught on video. I believe it's just a matter of time before MORE of these waaahmen will have their weapons taken from, and used against them, like the female Detroit PD Sergeant from the latest HMT video (RPM). Perhaps those will be the straws that eventually break the camel's back. At least a guy can wish, right.

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SolidSnake33 4 months ago

Look everyone it's the decay of the USA due to empowering women.

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Mr_Sluggo 4 months ago

I'm absolutely sure that is the only exercise those 2 beasts had in a very long time.

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