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Doomer's Digest Pt. VII: The Roots That Drink Blood

Published on 12 Jun 2021 / In Film & Animation
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Longshanks 4 years ago

"Black people have become an idea"... Totally.

They're becoming religious talismans, objects used in spiritual liturgies. Like women.

The path that a man walks after seeing the world as it is, is to find a way to assign value and meaning to his existence. Idolatry is the State religion.

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Longshanks 4 years ago

Regarding these athletes and celebrity figures sacrificing their children to the beast system, it's a numbers game - pay one popular goy a million dollars and make a billion from the confused million goyim that follow him. Magic Johnson rings a bell. A satanic bell.

As you said these westernized parents think they're God. They condition in all the presuppositions that plague their children for the rest of their lives: authority figures are always right, women can do no wrong, and sadistic renditions of spiritual messages. Muslims literally teach their children that "paradise is under the feet of the mother". How is that not female worship? Where's Allah in all that? The State is Allah. All these religions are femenized. Satan only wants bitches and eunuchs in his dominion.

If Jesus redeemed mankind from blood sacrificing, what does it say about those ideologies that reject this? It's a counter revolution for human sacrifice.

The zoomers are coin toss. I'm not holding my breath.

Your content is cold. I like listening to it sitting in the park by the water watching all these people go by. I laugh at them as I hear your words.

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Agreed. I think the zoomers are doomed. Someone told me it's called GenZ because they will be the last generation of humans. A few of them might fight back but for every leader there are a million drones as always, fighting against the few among them who are conscious.

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