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Dopey Broad On Whatever Doesn't Understand Evolution, Destroyed By Andrew

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Publicado en 12 Oct 2024 / En Entretenimiento

I do love when people, especially of the female persuasion, argue that men preferring women with low body count is a social construction, while at the same time arguing that micro evolution is a thing. LOL! Warning. This content contains smug, self satisfied white liberals whaman, only watch if you're not easily triggered.

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WMHarrison94 5 meses hace

Well, to be fair; she's stupid. Women won't accept accountability. I mean I am not sure why women leashes (like those for dogs) and chastity belts snd bras are like not a thing, a highly popular thing among dads!?!

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Alpha070 5 meses hace

Every Chad/Tyrone will tell this Whore her Bodycount dosent matter(Before hes banging her) but thats all she will get a filled Condom and no Relationship Ever"As the say you cant turn a Whore into a Lady" and even a Chad/Tyrone at the ENd of his Career dosent Wife up ne of them

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