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Published on 23 Jan 2022 / In Film & Animation

⁣The Covid Compliance Death Squads.

IF the cops had any balls they would have stuck their guns in the commissioners mouth and sprayed his brains over his office wall, and live streamed it. Then they should have gone AFTER every dirty deal maker in the government, in the media and in the drug companies - and everyone who stood to profit from this scam... and shot them or hung them on the spot.

But no - these spineless arselickers started harassing, and beating up, and fining people and carting them off to gaol and shooting them in the streets, because their lame excuse is, "I am only doing my job" - they need to be mass gang kicked to death into the gutter, where they belong.

They are traitors.
They are traitors to their family.
They are traitors to their friends.
They are traitors to their community.
They are traitors to their state,
They are traitors to their nation.
They are traitors to their people.

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ancientredpill 3 years ago

Fuck the cops.

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