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Dr Disrespect BOMBSHELL As New Evidence HIDDEN From Articles & Reporting! I Wonder Why?

Published on 01 Jul 2024 / In Entertainment

Dr Disrespect's case gets more and more weird

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Bagoodman 2 days ago

Who gives a Fuck both you and him can go get a REAL Job ! Clicks for money a SAD World we live in

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WMHarrison94 2 days ago

I message kids all the time, well on My Space, when they requested friends link. I was like thanks, but no. I'm not censoring myself for you and I talk about adult themes.

I just assumed they were bored FBI criminals trying to entrap people because they need their jobs snd our crime has been decreasing, well until Pedo Joe opened our borders wider than all the town bicycles...

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WMHarrison94 2 days ago

I agree Jeremy. Fuck the lying Lame Stream media: They thrive on the Court of Public opinion, which has no authority, but is used to push Leftist boycott and outcasting their rivals/enemies. There are courts with appointed or elected judges that decide these things. STOP GIVINGbTHE LYING JEWS ANDVTHEIR JEW COME GUZZLING LYING MEDIA WHORES POWER. THEY HATE YOU.

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