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Published on 18 Jun 2024 / In People & Blogs

I addressed some key issues that appears were deliberately construed like the statement of narrator Habib (rh) on the Hadith on stages of Khilafah.

A more crucial point that we need to see beyond this latest episode, that not to isolate this attack on the history of Khilafah from Shayk Yasir Qadhi’s previous attacks on the Ahruf of The Quran, on al-Yajuj wa al Ma’juj and so on. There is a clear “liberal, modernist” approach, a western Islam that “we need to conform Islam to their morals and values”. There’s an agenda that first needs to be addressed because attacks on matters that conflict with secular-liberal ideals will keep on coming.


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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Well, I think he is talking about The Prophet's prophecy or Revelation... He is speaking about what he believes is the Truth: So, I get that.

Revelation is soon to be upon us as the One True God (El Elohim of Israel) call Him what you want, but we both believe in the Abrahamic God and patriarchy: We both see through the deceptions. The huge moment for me was the Book of Revelations and the prophecies, I believe most were of Daniel and Elijah, said not eaters of flesh (Though that is True of the Satanic Globohomo Jews) but said literally "those who put flesh in their mouths implying extremely strongly human flesh (or it is human flesh lost in translation, which is a thing)... knowing this, is oral sex not putting human flesh in said mouths? That was my first eye opener revelation...

We are living in "The End Times" or end of an age, the Age of Pisces of Biblical Age of Salvation with its "strong masculine energies and this age strong centralized power." The Globohomos the Cabal do not want to loose their power: It's all they have. They lost their souls to the Deceiver, the Devil and his lizard people...

So, they tried to corrupt women globally though especially in the West and the US to usurp the feminine energies of the Age of Revelations, which we will transit into in the mid2040s to salvage their power: It will not work. God El already spoke why and to this. The Age of Revelations is the Pagan Age of Aquarius or "Enlightenment," I was amused at their settle rebranding. We can observe for ourselves this Age as we transit into because I forget this part but I will double check... the first zodiac sign after sunset or the last zodiac sign before sunrise will be Aquarius: Right now it is Pisces. In the Bible God El and Christ refer to this as the "Signs and Times" and "The Signs of the Times."

GOOD DAY guys...

Though, six Creation story only took Seven Days (and we know 1 Peter "A day for the Lord (God El) is a thousand years for men") that we will only live a thousands years at most during this Age of Revelations, Seven Days. In Antiquity, the creation stories also contained their Armageddon stories: So from Ancient Egypt and Iraq ie Mesoptamia 4th Millennial BC to Christ 0 BC though accurately 4 AD (the census) is 4 eons plus 0 BC to 2020s is 2 eons, so that's six days right now: Obviously mankind lived coming from Adam's loins almost a thousand years... how long did that take to build Ancient Egypt's Old Kingdom with King Scorpion Dynasty Zero? To be accurate, an astrological age is rounded to 2,200 years but I believe it is actually 2,178 years... I'll have to recheck the mathematics so I believe this fact in mind that a Day for the Lord El is about 1,100 years rounded for simplicity to a thousand years. It is still too close to be just a councidence... since there is a 200 year difference from each Age...1,200 years wiggle room: I do now understand that the Israelites had to stay in Egypt as slaves until Exodus, which was the Transition from Age of Taurus with its fertility rites and orgies into the Age of Ram with Moses' Laws hence the Biblical Age of Laws and Aaron's golden bull at Mount Sinai, new Age, New covenant... new paradigm. (And the change from Biblical Laws to Salvation ie Ram to Pisces with Christ's sacrifice as the Lamb of God El.) I would say Trust me, it's all connected.. but Trust on God El yourself and seek the Truth. He will show you it.

This is why I started my Everything is Connected series but with the Windows updates on Win10... I lost my ability to record, but I still have a Win7 computer or two and am learning and expetimenting with Linux. So, I should return to my research: After all, I now strongly believe it's why She, the Wife of God El sent me back trice after death... Boy, do the (True) Gods know how to pick them!

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