Dr Ros Jones- -The Government has been fear managing from the start and it-s very unethical-
Some common sense is starting to preveil. People in greater numbers are now NOT responding to restrictions that cant be enforced anyway's. In fact Mask's do nothing and if you feel you need to cover your face put your hand over your mouth or something, hold your breath intermittantly. when I go into a shop since this started again 2 day's ago, i keep my motorcycle Helmet on that has a visor anyway. I'm NOT being compliant I'm keeping my ears warm not it's cold out! lol! the so called laughable rules say a "Face Covering" in black and white, it say's nothing about a mask. I also produce my own "Exempt" badge is needs be that no one can question because it is illegalk to question personal health and the onis is on them to prove something before thay can prevent you entering wherever? Law states you do not have to give medical or health details to anyone outside of your GP or in the Case of hospitalization, then olny to Appropriate Staff or Health Pro. This is the LAW (Source Blacks Law) abridged.
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Did you know a SHEEP will spend it's life in fear of the wolf that doesn't exist in it's field, Only to end up getting slaughtered by the shepherd?