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Published on 01 Jul 2022 / In Film & Animation

R.I.P. Dr. Zelenko … you will be remembered as an honest doctor who spoke out against the crimes being committed against humanity.


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Z Stack
Quercetin 500mg,
Vit C (Ascorbic Acid) 800mg,
D3 (Cholecalciferol 5,000 IU) 125mg.
Zink 30mg (Zink Sulfate).

Quercetin is a bioflavinoid found mostly in grape and apple skins.

If you can't get Quercetin use:

Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) I think it was about 1600 mg per day.
It is not overly dangerous or anything - it just helps the cells take in the zink better, which kills the virus.

It's found in green tea concentrate / pills.

So the standard daily dose is 1 x 400mg pill a day but if your really sick I think you can take 4 x that amount.

Horse Wormer - only get the Ivormectin based compound, and the maximum strength is around 18.7 grams per kilo of paste, and the dosage is 200 um MICRO-grams) of Ivormectin (active ingredient) per kilo of body weight - same as most horse doseages.

18.7 grams per / 1000 grams of paste = 0.0187 grams of Ivormectin per gram.

1 gram = 0.0
1 decigram = 0.1 grams
1 centigram = 0.01 grams
1 milligram = 0.001 grams mg (milligrams)
1 microgram = 0.0001 grams ug (micrograms)

Dosage = 200 micrograms per kilo of body weight.

0.0200 ug

100Kg man needs 1.9 grams of 18.7 grams of Ivormectin per kilo of horse worming paste

Remember as a part of the genocide of the people of Australia the govt banned the importation and prescribing of Ivormectin to people.

One doctors treatment regieme.


0.2mg / Kg

Ivermectin is a key factor in the alliance’s I-MASK+ protocol for prophylaxis and early treatment of outpatients with COVID-19.

In the protocol, those at high risk for COVID-19 infection receive ivermectin at 0.2 mg/kg on day 1 and day 3, and weekly for 4 weeks;

Those who were exposed to COVID-19 receive the same dose at day 1 and day 3; and both groups receive daily doses of vitamin D3, vitamin C, quercetin, zinc and melatonin.

For early outpatients with COVID-19, the protocol calls for one dose of ivermectin at 0.2 mg/kg at day 1 and day 3, along with the same daily vitamins and 325 mg per day of aspirin.

These are SOME of the products in Australia.

Standard multivitamins carry around 5 to 25mg of zink in them...

AND be careful Vitamins and Mineral SUPPLIMENTS may only be of assistance IF dietary intake is inadequet.

SOME suppliments are only OK in times of serious health issues and only for a short time.

Otherwise they can be fairly toxic and quite dangerous to your health.

They can REALLY cause damage like organ failure and death.


AND this is my SPECULATIVE shopping list - meaning checking out what products have which active ingredients, and how much they cost and how much your paying for how much product. Some of the products are GOOD value, others an over priced scam with minimal ingredients.


Carusos One a Day Green Tea 50 Tablets
Epigallocatechin-3-0-gallate (EGCG) 416.7mg


Wagner High Strength Zinc 120 Tablets
Zinc 30mg.


Microgenics Green Tea 10000 50 Capsules
Epigallocatechin- 3-0-gallate 160mg


Ethical Nutrients Mega Zinc 40mg 120 Tablets

Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG)

Clinicians Vitamin C & Quercetin Lipsomal 180mL Liquid


Bioceuticals ArmaForce for Juniors 150g Powder
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) 400mg
Quercetin dihydrate 200mg
Zinc (as zinc amino acid chelate) 5mg
Retinol acetate 176.9 micrograms
equiv. to vitamin A 150 micrograms retinol equivalents


Swisse Zinc+ 120 Tablets
ZINC (from zinc amino acid chelate) 25 mg,
VITAMIN A ( retinol acetate) 375 micrograms/RE,
VITAMIN B6 (pyridoxine from pyridoxine hydrochloride) 30 mg,
MAGNESIUM (from magnesium phosphate pentahydrate) 35 mg,
MANGANESE (from manganese sulfate monohydrate) 2 mg.


Equimec Worm Paste
Ivermectin 18.7G / Kg


Equimax Lv Worm Paste


Promectin Plus Mini


Jurox Promectin Plus Mini-

Pink For Ponies and Foals 150kg - 300kg

Red for Animals 300 kg - 600 kg


Equi duo Liquid - Equine Wormer


Evolve Wormer + Bot By Kelato --- strong.


Equimax LV ---- the go too.

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Duugus 3 years ago

I buy his Z-Stack protocol for $45. It has kept me heathy through the Plandemic. Zev has blessed the world with his protocol and all his years of service. He will be missed, but his foundation continues his service. www.Zstacklife.com is where you can find his products.

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He also advertised the ingredients AND suggested other ingredients that facilitiate getting the zink into the cells.... like a compound in green tea extract, quecertin (flavenoid in grape and apple skins), and a bunch of other things.... if Ivormectin and similar were not available. --- See Pinned comment....

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Done - the list is posted and pinned. ^^^^^^^^^

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 3 years ago

He's 100% right.

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Yeah - sad to see him go really. I picked up and copied his Corona medicine - basically Vit C, D, and zink, and one of the many compounds that get the cells to soak up the zink and that can be Ivormectin, a bioflavenoid in grape skins, ADCE (??) a compound in green tea etc., and a couple of other things... I have all the ingredients he listed.... just not off the top of my head.

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Done - the list is posted and pinned. ^^^^^^^^^

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