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Published on 04 May 2023 / In Film & Animation

When she sobers up... will she even care she killed two people ? I somehow doubt it.


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joolco22 2 years ago

She'll get a rude awakening when she sobers up. Just like all women today, totally self absorbed and entitled. Men need to stay as far away from women today as they can get.

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Oooooo I am so against drugged driving....
The brainless cunt has just killed two people.
Drag her out and beat her to death.

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bigintol03 2 years ago

I'd agree with you even if she DIDN'T kill two people! >:)

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@bigintol03: I only ever rode a motorcycle really pissed - twice in my life.... Once was the first time, and I was really drunk when I went to get more booze from the bottle shop and I was so drunk I was almost falling off into the corners - and after half an hour all that booze I had guzzled - more soaked in and I was really pissed - coming back I had to cover upon eye to stop seeing two of everything... and I got lost.. big time.. and I thought - this is very dangerous - I am not doing this again.... and I didn't.... But one night far far away in the wilds of NSW I went to the only place in town - a pub 30 K away up in the bush.... and I was all alone in the mountain ranges... and I had drunk a fair bit, and I was pretty pissed, and as I recall, I had a full bottle of Green Ginger Wine - cheap and fairly strong alcohol content, and I had no where to carry it, and carrying bottles in your jacket when pretty drunk on a motorcycle was a BAD idea... So I just chugged it all down and headed home... I mean I was really drunk.... and sitting on not much more than bicycle speeds... well fast bicycle speeds... and fuck was I drunk when I got home... and I got the gate open, and got the bike around - but got stuck in a sort of shallow drainage ditch on the side of the drive and fell off.. and I crawled around to lift the bike up and got it upright and tried to stand up and the bike fell over.. so I did this flip flop side to side thing about 3 or 4 times, and figured I was too drunk to ever get the bike upright and ride the last 100 meters to the house, so I switched off everything on the bike and just left it.. and sort of walked and crawled home... I don't like driving drunk - it's no fun and it's too dangerous.... AND I ony ever properly blacked out ONCE.... mixing valium and booze and walking home from the bar - and I can remember going into black outs and coming out of them on the way home..... I didn't like it... never did it again.... Once upon a time, if I was going to be intoxicated, I wanted to be fully conscious and in control.... People who drink until they are in a black out and driving - Pffff That is very bad.....

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@bigintol03: The Taylors Arm Pub - Pub with No Beer.... - A Slim Dusty Song.... about that pub.

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That is the pub I left - leglessly drunk....

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