Dumb and Dumber. These two are going to steal the wiring out of a downed light pole. BAM
He wins the car vaulting Olympics. 🏆 Have you ever noticed that the lower the IQ the more creative they are killing and injuring themselves? I am sure there is some kind of physics equation that fits this particular event, but I never took physics. Something about the angle of the dangle or something like that.
I thought it was going to be shocking and it was. Just not like I thought. There is a reason the pole was picked up out of the street. It was so a car would not hit it. Apparently he did not think about that. Nor did he look both ways before crossing the street.
More videos, more fools, more laughs:
An unexpected scene in the movie - Fake Biden gets door closed in his face! Beautiful!
Another died suddenly - But you are gonna like this one.
This actor is either wearing a silicone Biden mask or he has some of the weirdest skin ever 😳
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Resisting arrest and being tasered Brazilian style - shots fired 🔫😳😆
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Meet the V.P. of marketing moron who thought it would be great idea for Bud Light to go Tranny
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Rub her face in it, slap her ass a few times and toss her out the front door.
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Like a moth to a flame 🔥 Idiots are attracted to high voltage ⚡💥
Why evil Psycho's run the world - Great Rant. He nails it
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Well kids...looks like Grandpa's going away for a while. He's off his meds...Again.
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A little more, little more...now gun it! Perfect! What a moron.
Low IQ minds don't work well in an advanced society. Send them backhttps://www.bitchute.com/video/UsBi7hRwdEGz/
Here are some ways to test the foods you eat for fake crap- protect yourself
He goes from "Hero" to Zero when the tow rope breaks and gives her a coochie oouchie.
Anheuser-Busch and Bud Light may not survive their marketing screw up - This is hilarious 😳🤣🤣🤣
Man fleeing from cops and shooting at them gets run down - Bang Bang BAM!
Do you think there is room to pass? Oh sure girl go for it. OK!
California was once shown on Maps as an island off the west coast of what is now the USA. Hmm...
Barbara Bush Was A Dude. These People Are Sick Twisted And Evil
Tranny Flipping - Cop throws tranny face down on the sidewalk for kicking him💥😳😆
He may not have any legs but he has guts - fight of the year! 🥊💥
This is what I call cheating death
You kick my truck - I shoot your face - Road rage off the rails Brazilian style
Pictures of a Nazi expedition to Antarctica (1939) Are these real? I will let you be your own judge
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I wonder if his last word on this earth was "Weeeeeeeeeeeeee"?
I too was expecting a huge flash. However he seized the pole position and that helps propel his career to a new heights.
Darwin award goes to.....another batch of idiots.
He got launched. I thought they were going to get zapped.