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Dumb Masked Man Gets Shot While Trying To Carjack Undercover Police Officers With a Gun

Published on 04 Aug 2023 / In Film & Animation

mirrored from yt
police activity channel
Louisville, Kentucky — On June 19, 2023, around 1:32 p.m., two undercover officers with LMPD's Fugitive Unit were inside a vehicle attempting to apprehend a suspect in an unrelated investigation.
Officer Hayden was approached by an armed individual on foot, wearing a mask who opened the driver's side front door and pointed a gun at the officer. Officer Hayden fired several rounds from his service weapon, causing the subject, 21-year-old Mark Jaggers Jr. to drop the gun and fall backward. After the officer secured the scene to assess for additional threats, he requested other officers in the area to respond. Officers began rendering Aid and attempted to perform life-saving measures on Jaggers.

EMS responded to the scene and Jaggers was transported to the University of Louisville Hospital, where he was pronounced deceased. Mark Jaggers Sr., Jaggers' father, said following the shooting that he doesn't believe his son was trying to carjack the officers and that he didn't know anyone was inside the car. "That car was sitting here for three hours. ... My son thought it was a dumped car," Jaggers Sr. said. "I know it's still illegal, I know. But it's not worth getting shot over." Hayden is a 10-year veteran of LMPD. Neither of the officers at the scene were injured. Police later said, Rex Wright Jr., 23, is the person detectives were initially looking for. He turned himself in after the shooting. He was wanted for a non-fatal shooting incident.

This happened so fast... His baby mama was an accomplice and should be investigated. She was gonna be his get away ride I'm sure.

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The cunt picked a hard target.....

Fuck him.

It was good, fast and hard shooting by the cop.

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sbseed 1 year ago

"hey, i know your bleeding out and probably cannot even speak or hear me, but i am gonna need you to talk to me man = every thug cop / medic to someone who has been shot by a cop...

the video does not show the guy trying to rob anyone, what it shows is the door to the vehicle opening and gunfire, for all we know the guy was going to ask what the cop was doing there... since nothing is shown prior to the cop opening his car door.

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I read it very differently.

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sauger1001 1 year ago

Sorry, but as a native Chicagoan, if you come up on me in that manner (while also wearing a face diaper) I'd respond in a similar fashion.

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sbseed 1 year ago

@sauger1001: agreed... but the cops where also going along with that bullshit in the first place. guess i am just salty/upset that the guy did not manage to shoot the cop too lol

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sauger1001 2 years ago

"I like to say 'Hey man, nice shot,
Good shot, man'";.

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sauger1001 2 years ago

In other news, water is wet, the sky is blue, and idiodically irresponsible waah☻️men continue to pick stupid men as "baby daddies". SMH.

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sauger1001 2 years ago

Maybe the "brother" needs to be arrested as well.

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@sauger1001: And sodomised like the ex wife - praise Jesus.

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TripeSwing 2 years ago

wench cries "baby daddy" repeatedly. trailer trash losers

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Yeah the idiot brother in the back ground - while the cops and all are trying to keep his dying brother alive, he is carrying on like a stupid cunt, "Yew Dun shot mah Bruvva, You dun shot my bruvva" in the close back ground --- yeah great timing moron --- - yeah after his stupid arsehole brother went at the cop masked up, gun drawn and opened the car door... "Yeah fuck - pop a cap in all their retarded arses".

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sauger1001 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Welcome, to the new "normal". Not much longer to go 'til the "end".

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@sauger1001: Going by the angle he came at the cops from, he had been in the car with his baby momma, loading his gun and masking up to go shoot the cops who had been tailing him, so she knew what he was up too... He was too angry and all set to go for an ambush, for a mere car jacking...

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sauger1001 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: He got what he deserved. One less scumbag littering the streets, imo.

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