Dumb Scumbag Junkies and the Fat Bitch Syndrome
Published on 13 May 2023 / In
Film & Animation
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Lets discuss the AA / NA relapse rate.
These are my words, on this website.
"What is the REAL A.A. success rate?
Out of each 1000 newcomers to A.A., how many will pick up a one-year sobriety medallion a year later? Or ever?
And how many will get their 2-year, and 5-year, and 10-year coins?
How about 11 years and 21 years?"
Starting with 1,000 people getting welcome to AA chips, a year later, there are only 50 people left buying a 1 year sober medallion.
All Numbers Scaled To 1000 Newcomers
Years, and the still sober
Today 1000 -- 100.00%
1 year 50.00 -- 5.00%
5 years 16.29 -- 1.63%
10 years 11.74 -- 1.17%
20 years 1.52 -- 0.15%
30 years 0.16 -- 0.016%
34 years 0.016 -- 0.0016%
This is almost all of you ^^^^^^
This is me VVVVVVV
35 years 0.015 -- 0.0015%
The retards shriek, "Oh you can't say that!, Kick him out!"
And the rest of you accept this?
These numbers are verifiable AA and NA records.