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During Depression: How Small Errors Become Major Factors

Published on 20 Sep 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Wsander12 6 months ago

All this talk about Abraham religion is the reason why thousands of people die religion is always the reason why people die. I don’t see religion saving people I see religion killing people you are out of your fucking minds. Any religion involved in war is out of their fucking mind killing people over stupid petty shit. Causing suffering over stupid petty shit. Over religion. Twisted freaks that’s what I see

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Wsander12 6 months ago

The only person who can change my divorce is my ex-wife and she can only do that Being faithful and loyal to me. And accepting me for who I am and if she’s not willing to do that, there’s no changing that divorce unless of course you wanna go full communism or fascism. And full control and tyranny. I doubt you wanna do that. I am not interested in listening to what other people tell me I can think for myself. Furthermore, any problems that I may have in terms of criminals if you don’t deal with them, I will deal with them if they try to come in my home I’ll deal with them my advice if you’re concerned about my safety, you oughta do your job. If not, I’ll do it for you. Same thing applies to my health if I can’t find a doctor that’s willing to look at my issues seriously honestly and legitimately then I’ll do it myself without you so you better be truthful honest with no bullshit I don’t tolerate bullshit. Otherwise, I’ll handle it myself without any of you.

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Wsander12 6 months ago

And what exactly are you gonna do Mr. Peterson take me to court and reverse my divorce papers I highly doubt any judge will do that. So what you gonna do?

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Wsander12 6 months ago

You only care about controlling others, Mr. Peterson you only care about getting people to think like you you don’t care about real issues real problems that people really have all you can see. Is your religious dogma. And this is the problem with religion in general. They blind themselves to real issues, real problems and real struggles. Both the left and the right do it and both are equally to blame. They both are blinded by real people with real problems. They don’t talk about that. There is one guy, however, on the Internet that I found that is in fact talking about it all of you seem to ignore, as far as marriage goes, I have legal documentation that says it’s over. If you or my ex-wife have a problem with that, my suggestion would be to suck it up and deal with it or accept me as I am if not then your not for me. And you’re out of touch with reality

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