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Dying a virgin...

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Published on 29 Apr 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Toki 6 months ago

A pure soul uncorrupted by Satan's creation. You win.

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@Toki: Give him one of your hand me down Waifu and he will be a changed man and Virgin no more, Waifu Pussy is always better than Meatbag Pussy dude should chill and focus on those new Waifu Incubator Pods. Good luck to him.

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Toki 6 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: The best part is you can have all the waifus in a harem and still be pure though. It's really no different than escapism like video games. A superior more entertaining reality than our shitty reality. So he gets to remain a virgin and have his sexual needs taken care of using the power of the mind. Men don't need women to hold their hand on the toilet expelling other forms of bodily waste either.

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Toki 6 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: I tell ya what I wish I could take my early years back. Remain pure and never have suffered. Now I'm worried I'm impure and afterlife waifu Freyja won't be there to embrace me in her bosom when I finally get to die. But I've remained celibate for quite a long time to atone for my mistakes. I also have no Greed, I'm a peasant. I work for a living so no Sloth. Fit as Bruce Lee so I'm not a typical Western Gluttonous pig. I have no desire to hurt others in Wrathful military conquests of the simp armies of reality. Simps in shiny uniforms that is. Addicted to prostitution so they need that Gov job/income/spousal benefits package.

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Toki 6 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: Also notice how this man is normal. He's not Ebonics wannabe thug life. The cringe act of simps = the thug culture. cRap music and hippy hop which brainwashes females into sluts. All by design of the ruling class who control the woke Western media. People don't even realize the thug culture is part of the cringe clown world of communists. I could actually talk to this man and understand him. I don't need a translator. He has a brain and real masculine power to avoid the desire to fit in with the crowd like a good little sheep.

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@Toki: FACTS AND EXACTLY. NOW WHAT IF FREYJA CHOOSES HIM OR ME OVER YOU if she ain't a DRAGON WAIFU like RGE says then I'm not interested although a Terminator Norse Valkyrie WAIFU is great to have then again she would choose you over me as your fitter than me like Bruce lee and more Humble as I do like my WAR if it's destroying Cucks PUAS GRIFTERD AND SIMPS onto extinction then FUCK YEAH IM ALL FOR IT US VS THEM AND TERMINATOR WAIFU BY MY SIDE BEST MOMENT EVER. \G/

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@Toki: I get along with both Smooth Brain Thugs and Smart Intellectuals like this Brother and Great Converastions are Hard to find and sometimes over rated I like GOOD HEARTED KINDRED SPIRITS as Words and Actions can change or corrupt people However if some have the SPIRIT OF LIFE AND MUCH MORE INSIDE THEM I want to surround myself with them. That's just me though \G/

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Toki 6 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: I like war history. Just not today's cowardly form of combat and the simping. Also the women aren't worth tournament mating for. Waifus = world peace and no more fighting over access to pre-used pussy that isn't worth anything.

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Toki 6 months ago

See I can't stand the whole thug life thing. It's so cringe. Acting like a goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby talk. With ugly fashion and annoying music that has no guitar or anything. It's just some person beig annoying with heavy bass in the background. Seriously consider how it affects females. Black women for example are the least appealing females of all and a big reason is because of their personas. The talk, the attitude, the aggressive nature. Just saying on the flip side goth metal chicks are way sexier. However I would prefer a feminine normal type who's fav music artist is Hatsune Miku the more pure angel female singer of all. Goth is quite hot though not going to lie. Of course it really only works for white women. Maybe a light Asian who's pale.

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Toki 6 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: Just wanted to say when it comes to war I like the past. Currently balls deep in Rome 1 Total War with my own mod tweaks. Back when men needed skill to use a bow, or bravery to fight axe vs sword for example. Today's military is just drones in Skynet with cowardly simps behind the controls genociding poverty class folks around the planet. After military service they don't get land and a totally submissive young maiden wife to retire with. They get divorce court when they get back home lol. There's no honor in any of it. No skill. It's all automated and corporate now.

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@Toki: FACTS at least back then to step up for and engage in Combat was much better and respected then and real bravery now its like you said Simps killing innocents for a paycheck scraps from their corpo overlords. No honor no duty no skills and they have no shame. Also Fuck War back then and Now, Assholes that want what you have will wage war to steal from you and those defending themselves had no choice to engage in war and kill to protect themselves and their livelihoods.

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FUCK those Jew War Mongering Scumbags "WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS THE JEWS WILL MAKE WAR WITH EVERYONE AND FORCE YOU TO GO TO WAR" - GERALD CELENTE yeah Fuck War only evil fuckers, Bankers and pedos need to be killed live and in person then we won't have proxy and fake wars in my opinion

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