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E-Bike explosion - Fire begins ~9:00 - Nice Vid before that though.

Published on 22 Jan 2024 / In Film & Animation

A man not knowing what to do - with an extremely dangerous battery fire.

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Leader_Desslok 1 year ago

Shane , once again you have done a fine job of exposing the green movement for the scam that it really is ! you are doing God's work mate ! carry on !

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I am not against electric bikes and there actually are some very good reasons for some kinds of electric trucks etc.. Like if you had some solar panels and could make say 3 Kw a day - that would keep your highly insulated chest freezer running, your lights on, a decent laptop going, and it would keep your electric bike charged up for a 10 or 20 K round trip every few days... Getting some really decent deep cycle batteries every 30 years.. Run your lights and laptop for a few hours at night, a small desk fan during summer... etc..

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Straven 1 year ago

I don't doubt that smoke he's breathed in is going to deal very nice damage to his lungs....

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Can you look up all the chemicals in a Tesla battery fire, and see HOW that shit gets into your body and fucks you over really badly - even do a video on the subject.

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clivemcd 1 year ago

More people are buying battery cars too. John Cardogan has some good vids about it. Receiving visitors or going into buildings with EV's in the basement has become a bad idea. Don't want any of that shit near me. I'm waiting for "No EV's allowed" signs to pop up

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Great Selling Point - Every underground car park has sign on the entrance "NO EV's ALLOWED" (by order of) - and with all the reported fires..... So far, and all the views on the internet... no matter how much the idiocracy will try to push them... "NEW SAFE BATTERIES" I doubt they can recover their "Oh My God - the planet is headed for 10,000 degree summers! Ban the CO2" and charge your EV's from coal fired power stations that burn up 10 x as much coal as it would take to use plain old diesel or petrol....

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Have you seen his latest video - or one of them? Burn trees to recharge EVs -latest net zero insanity- Auto Expert John Cadogan --- https://www.mgtow.tv/v/j1oJS6

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clivemcd 1 year ago

Yeah I watch all his videos, good dude info. Sad how eco-tards believe any bullshit. My favorite is the politician who told people to get Solar panels and EV's so they can charge them for free overnight. People with important jobs believe that shit.

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sbseed 1 year ago

what a fucking idiot...

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Naaaaa he bought that in good faith, with little knowledge of the hazards of the batteries that go up in flames... On one hand he should not have to study the subject... It should just work and give him 2000 recharge cycles to 80% and then fade away - and not be catching fire within 3 K's.... BUT as unsuspecting and innocent as he was about looking up these issues, he is NOW a lot more aware of how dangerous these rolling buckets of shit actually are, and from now on, he will be getting educated big time about the hazards of them, the fires, and the smoke etc.. I mean he is pretty much like most of us... Experience tends to teach us - after we encounter new issues. So he is not an idiot - he just didn't know.

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A man not knowing what to do - with an extremely dangerous battery fire.

The SMOKE.... and he is standing in it - looking kind of clueless and helpless.

Bad Idea.

And E-Bikes and Scooters are combusting in huge numbers - all around the world.

Keep them outside the house, on concrete and leaning against a brick wall......

With a smoke alarm stuck to the wall above it.

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bigintol03 1 year ago

Those things are fucking death traps!

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@bigintol03: Yeah - it didn't take long to start smoking up big time... but for the ball sack and bum hole burning bit - it took a couple of minutes.... Unlike the fun stuff like Tesla's or that Chinese shit... AND because the speeds are low and your not enclosed - it's easy to escape.

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@bigintol03: Because so many of them are catching fire and buring peoples houses down, they are going fucking apeshit about them..... https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab....&q=Ebike+fires&a -------- https://news.sky.com/video/new....-york-moment-e-bike- ------------ https://www.msn.com/en-gb/cars..../news/electric-bikes ------- https://www.msn.com/en-au/news..../australia/owners-co -----

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bigintol03 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: If anyone should buy one of those death traps, my advice would be to park it OUTSIDE!

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@bigintol03: Yeah 10 meters away from anything that can catch fire...

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@bigintol03: You have a private message.

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