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Eating Good For $8 In Colombia


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Published on 07 Jul 2024 / In Travel & Events

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Whore maxing and having sex every week or two is important, biblical command. Mind you, the based master race ancient Hebrews married virgins and could have harems, and allowed prostitutes to exist for plebe excess males or something else. But the sons of Aaron got killed by fire because they were priests that thought they were too good for sex and women, wanted to be more spiritual than was necessary. Lesson here is don't be overly unnecessarily righteous, and asexuality is a disease. Asexuality in America is maybe worse than starving Africans or war torn Ukrainian plebe cannon fodder, might as well start a charity and send aid to Incel Americans, don't act like you are better.

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Dallas_LooksMaxxer 8 months ago

This. It was only since the advent of the Christ-insane Eurocuck that things took a nosedive. LooksMaximus was beyond his time.

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@Dallas_LooksMaxxer: looks maximus was a legend, before going off derech going blue pilled. Christ morality is cucked. Some people are just natural born life deniers.

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Alex568 7 months ago

@BasedCellphonePornDirector: It's a shame looks maximus went AWOL, this young man has some videos similar to the ones made by Looks Maximus: https://www.youtube.com/@nerom....achiavelli5670/video

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Are you going to whore max in Colombia? USA is an incel puritanical, pussy-worshipping state with female shortages and excess males, USA is the most sexually starved and sexually frustrated society in history. I would whore max if I could in Colombia, zero jester maxing, zero cattle analysis (understanding women), zero relying on coincidences like male normies do to get sex from women.

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 8 months ago

You know that’s exactly what om

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 8 months ago

Doing in Colombia

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I speculate lots of Colombian whores will have Instagram and dating apps. In 2024, the only way to get them without wasting time, jestering, cattle analysis, or coincidences going out, is sugar daddy maxing on tinder. Unless one is Chad, a thug or stoner with "exciting" lifestyle, or a millionaire.

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@Alpha Male Lifestyle: a lot of escorts are unattractive or life denying doing condom blowjobs. I would stay away from gynocentric areas, like nightscene. Women wanna have guys literally fighting for them, the gender imbalance is so bad and puritanical norms so out of hand and pussy-worshipping Americanisms so spread worldwide.

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@Alpha Male Lifestyle: we need a mgtow Noah. This figure be like "you have 100 days ye simps to get off these whore 's Instagram and lay them off from work dont employ them, you ain't getting their pussies ever that way, if you don't ye will get the plague and perish ye fools, cucks".

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@Alpha Male Lifestyle: you know what's weird in the matrix? Like most women have had sex with 3 partners on average 1-3 times per week. Yet most men would claim they have never taken a woman's virginity. The math is bizarre, how does that add up?

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@Alpha Male Lifestyle: Amir you gotta find a way to whore max by sugar daddy maxing making it known right away openly, but through onlyfans, Instagram, tinder, and even job sites "looking for model or music video model" or some other crap.

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@Alpha Male Lifestyle: provide receipts and pictures my dude, see how the girls look. Although some women can be average, plain, or ugly but if she is submissive sexual passionate freak then that earns respect and love.

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I have started to buy a side of lamb as it's way cheaper than buying the little trays of meat.

Like $13 a kilo instead of $18 or $19 a kilo....

AND the ribs - they usually give a slab of sinew laden bones with a little meat on them - so I asked the butcher to cut them up, rather than keeping a slab... and they make EXCELLENT soup.... boil slowly for 3 or 4 hours and toss in broccoli and beans etc., and boil up fast for a few minutes = excellent.

Actually I might ask the butcher for 5 or so kilos of fresh bones to freeze and make soup from....

Very nutritional.

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 8 months ago

Lamb is now $6.49 at Sam’s club per pound and it is halal. I think it is either from Australia or New Zealand

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@Alpha Male Lifestyle: OK there is 2.2 pounds to the kilo... That is $14.08 US per kilo.... AND to convert that to Au dollars x 1.6 for the exchange rate = $22.53 Au per kilo. Hmmmmm that is kind of the going rate here - depending upon the cut, season, market fluctuations etc... Some cuts of lamb are considered premium or very expensive and some are kind of cheap with the ratio of bone to meat, being rather high.

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This is very good.... Click on the parts and it shows you the cuts..... Very good for retarded people like me... https://www.australianlamb.com.....au/know-your-meat/l Some places you can order from... https://www.buckcreekmeat.com/....qhw-1/half-whole-pig ---- https://jacobsheritagefarm.com..../wp-content/uploads/

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First! - Fuck I am awesome!

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