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Economist Warns Collapse Of Japanese Economy Has Already Triggered

Published on 09 Aug 2024 / In Entertainment

Economist Warns Collapse Of Japanese Economy Has Already Triggered Financial Chaos Worldwide

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Toki 6 months ago

Good job average JP men. This is what you need. Tired of being taxed and underpaid for real jobs while useless people get paid millions/billions. So why not just stay and home and play video games where good actions are rewarded. As well as the women being beautiful with tons of makeup/surgery/phones and they have far superior personality. Video games and anime. The best entertainment in human history for men. The only reason to care about being alive because other normies are so shallow obsessed with meaningless material things, wealth, and cults of ideologies. Women being stuck-up queens despite being useless as women are. No reason to produce children when Gov owns all the land and resources on their corporate land. Evil and Satanists already own the planet and have since the first economic system and the concept of money. As well as the concept of highly organized leadership = false gods who produce nothing yet hog 99% of the pizza that is meant for everyone on the planet. They can't possibly eat all that pizza but they want it all anyways because "I'm the executive/governor/minister/top investor." Meanwhile the Good selfless man working in the slave pits doing the real work gets zero respect in society. Might as well just give up and enjoy video games with waifus. Waifus are pleasant to be around and won't hustle themselves around to other men for more prostitution as women are just that in the end. So no kids for Japan. Half their women are on the internet selling themselves worldwide for tax-free internet thot welfare. Why should men sacrifice anything for that entitled society? I like how JP men stay at home with the parents for cheap housing. Their idiot parents brought them into this and let it happen years ago while doing nothing to save their legacy's future. Just borrow more money to pay the for the house right? It's a good investment! A good investment is not being born on Earth.

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It's the fucking JEWS - Alex Jones and the rest of you CUNTS.

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