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Economists suggest we now may be in for the largest financial collapse in history

Published on 06 Jul 2024 / In People & Blogs

Data from multiple investors and economists have been predicting a historical crash, and the new numbers are still on track to support this data.

It happens slowly then suddenly, are you prepared?

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Toki 7 months ago

OK where do you work? John Deere? Don't say Youtube that's part of the unemployment welfare numbers they don't count. It's the internet. It's not production in reality. It's net consumption. Like being unemployed on welfare playing WoW 18 hours a day every day. I enjoy old school gaming a ton, but I work to support my hobbies without asking for money online.

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Toki 7 months ago

Greedy companies is legit though. The upper management are corrupt just like presidents/prime ministers. That's why they wanted to in the boardroom. Entitlements just like women. Look at how many women in upper management now. the men in upper management need all that money just to waste it on cocaine and whores. The women in upper management are addicted to spending just like all women. All women who are also responsible for the debts. As well as cucks who enable them. Including those fancy CEOs you worship. The "winners" in life because why? They have a fictional power structure that benefits them? A working man is endlessly more valuable to us than any CEO. The working man is the one proving the service to the customer. Even working women are more honorable than a male manager. Management overall is for selfish children who want the entire sandbox and eat the whole pizza leaving all the average kids with no food or place to enjoy life. Stop worhshiping Gov currency and it's fictional value bestowed upon those who don't deserve to eat because they don't even work. Management's job is simply to manipulate others for personal gain backstabbing everyone along the way. It's corporate welfare. Same as the average worker who constantly fakes disability so they don't have to work. It's all manipulation and you failed the Speech check they used on you. Be a PC, not an NPC. NPCs need managers and presidents. Sadly there's far too many NPCs. It's far more than the Gov itself. The Gov is just a big factor of it all. A business partner of Pharma for example who want to pass laws forcing you to consume product. So yes consider Pharma it's management trying to force their product into your body. Or McD's management trying to convince you a $5 value meal is $6.30 to $13.00. Or John Deere, Hersheys, all these "American" companies that betrayed their own American neighbors because management could increase their own gains. Or a somewhat local grocery store chain in my area where management decided to donate millions to BLM. Passing the cost onto the consumer of course. Management in real life is communism. You want to play manager get a Civilization game and stop being an entitled douche in real life.

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WMHarrison94 6 months ago

Those corporate donations are tax money they would have to pay the government... except for Buys Large Mansions... oh wait tax season, Burns Large Mansions, those "dollars" normally go to local communities... it's a tax write off. They often use the money laundering "art" scam to move money around.

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sauger1001 7 months ago

People in the End Times, will eventually toss their gold and silver into the streets since it won't save them from The Creator's wrath (Ezek. 7:19).

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mrghoster 7 months ago

Every cloud has a silver lining, just think of all the RICH assholes that will be leaping from tall buildings like in "29", another little conciliation is the more they have the more they are gonna lose when they cant get back all the greed they forced on YOU as debt because you can pay, YOU have only a small trip or fall compared to those greedy inflexible CUNT's!

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WMHarrison94 7 months ago

Native born American jobs? What? We given them ingens jobs over us! Lol. American Natives born here... well yeah, we too smart. They want a retarded "Chinese" competitor slave labor market; hence why Gen Z is dumb as fuck but think they are smart and creditentialed.

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