Electric cars becoming impossible to insure
Published on 03 Nov 2023 / In
Film & Animation
However you look at it eventually the EV thing will end and the Moneymaking greedy types will find they cant make money out of us on a LIE. Even the most basic of plsanning has been overlooked. If you want to embark on a venture like EV's or anything, YOU must have infrastructure in place before you even START the roll out, regardless of whatever it it. This is why society and business is failing because greedy assholes without a clue are just looking for a quick short term BUCK.
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Arrest this guy for way too much thinking and too little obeying
Because they catch on fire!!!
as per your video description ... there is a manufacturer of battery cells that is made / based on SALT ... ya know the stuff that one would use if you not be a wacko vegan & stuff anyways LOL ... https://media.tenor.com/voRaPO....30KLsAAAAC/burger.gi
Damn Straight. Danx for your share :) https://www.carscoops.com/wp-c....ontent/uploads/2019/
Haaaaaaaa Haaaaaaa Haaaaaa it's wall to wall disaster for the sparkling car.
Expensive to buy, expensive to replace the batteries, not enough power in the grid to recharge lots of them, not enough grid to carry the power, and now the fuckers are hard to insure and easy to get disposed of..... AND they catch fire....