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Published on 02 Sep 2023 / In Film & Animation

Pretty powerful. The genius sitting there had zero situational awareness. Came close to getting his burger burned.


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tekrat 1 year ago

Shit. Now imagine going 60 on the highway and one of them just randomly exploding. Wowzers. I'll stick to the gas engine.

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Yeah - I call them mobile crematoriums.. It's just a pop, a fizz, a puff of smoke and your sitting inside a rocket engine... Fuck That. There is note even enought time to escape. Have to you see the electric bus videos... Fuck Me... I was never a huge fan of diesel... but I will take that any day..... I used to design diesel injection systems for furnaces... and that shit is incredibly hard to light.... Lithium Ion Batteries ? - Run for your fucking life.

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Burning bus videos in links below.

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sbseed 1 year ago

it may be of interest to others, but the battery setup is the same that the batteries in phones used to have, and yes they would explode as well...
the battery swells up as it burns up and then explodes, if you had it in your hand you would need some serious hand surgery, if you where using it you would lose your ear and your ability to hear out of that one....

if you had it in your pocket you would be lucky because then you would only get 3rd degree burns and maybe some pieces imbedded in the skin that can easily be removed without major surgery.

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sbseed 1 year ago

dumbass standing way to close... surprised the idiot did not catch a bunch of shrapnel

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TripeSwing 1 year ago

maybe he did

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bigintol03 1 year ago

WOW! Those fucking things are death traps!

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sbseed 1 year ago

they always where... its because of the battery setup...

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bigintol03 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Yeah, it's fucking CRAZY!

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The fires are something else, but it's the speed of the fires.... "It's a pop, and a fizz, and a puff of smoke - then your sitting under a Saturn 5 Engine" --- Fuck that - as in totally. If your in a car, as in especially a shit box chinese car, if your even aware of how quickly they turn into a mobile crematorium, "Pop Fizz" and you had better have the wheels locked up and smoking, and the door flying open and be bailing out while its still moving..... Bailing out at 60 K's an hour is better than incinerating at 100 K's an hour. And the battery compartments are not MOSTLY sealed (sort of) with a 6" diameter vent tube that will withstand say 2 minutes of internal blow torching, and it vents to the rear of the car, between the back window and the boot, and upwards at 45* Degrees.... So you can pull over and up and get out and get away - Nooooo none of these fucking idiot designers make a vented battery compartment... I mean in things like substations, they put blast and fire resistant walls between the transformers - for directed protection so when ONE transformer goes, it's the only one that goes up... but they are all too stupid to put shielding in things that carry people, so the batteries don;t kill all the people.... Fucking idiots...

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sauger1001 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: The cost of these cars is already too high. Put protective material in them, and the price is probably double, if not triple.

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@sauger1001: Shielding or directed venting - only has to last for at least a minute.... and perhaps 2 minutes at the most..... It's only got to be working long enough to jam on the brakes at highway speed, stop and get out - to all people in the car and other people and vehicles around the car, to get clear - the batteries are already in a sheet metal shell - a revision of the design to include a thin layer of fine woven glass fiber matt bonded between two thin layers of plywood... or even just a 3mm layer of plywood layer. That would do it. You know the heat shields on space capsules...... In one sense, they can be thought of "heat shields" or to sheild the capsule and it's contents, from the heat of reentry, but the other way to perceive them is that they are just giant brake pads, that are pretty piss poor heat conductors.... And they dump the heat of friction - by ablation - or evaporating the materials off the surface, and radiating the heat away... These are piss poor heat conductors of a composite construction - based upon time, temperature and other considerations... ===== ====

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Yeah - shit for brains was warming himself by the nice fire.....

I looked at that and my first impression - "I'd rather have a lot more distance between myself and the mobile electric crematorium - like up wind and from the other side of the street... at least".

Like I would not regard it as run for your life - and get at least a block away - but I would not be standing so close to it, puffing on a cigarette, with my finger up my arse.

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