Elon is Trying to Replace You
Published on 30 Dec 2024 / In
News & Politics
The one white African came to America to replace you with Indians
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I know man. Kills me inside seeing men around me worship Trump and Elon as if they are good people. They are huge simps paying for prostitutes and that's why they need all that money. Simp addiction. Trump cheats on his stage wife with a porn star and my MAGA coworkers still don't get it. Women cheat more often of course, but how can you trust a man who so obviously disrepects for what he apparently stands for? Family and marriage? They are actors and not even truly married. Then I get hear them about how Meliana is hot for her age lol. Better than Big Mike Obama no doubt. But still just an old plastic hoe caked in surgery and makeup. Looks like a Sectoid from XCom. Then the spoiled daughter declaring feminism. But Hunter Biden is the bad guy to point fingers at. Even though all these business suit tycoons are Hunter Bidens. Elon and his harem of ex-wives. Real men don't settle for rich men's ex-wives and produce children for a communist state.
Now the migrant problem is funny because the migrants will eventually drag these elites out of their castles and do something about the problem. Migrants will terrorize women and I don't care. They won't bother me because I have nothing to steal. My own Gov and corporate world already steals everything I have.
Also the Hispanics, Indians, whoever are better neighbors than blacks so what's the problem? Can we trade blacks for people of other cultures? I'm down for that. I'd rather have Hindu culture and Hispanic festivities around instead of ghetto rap music being the dominant culture invading everything. Mexico and India can have the American blacks as migrants. Deal? The only America loses is black people restaurants like fried chicken and BBQ.
Now who is more unpleasant? Black women, Indian women, or Hispanic women? I'd say Hispanic women are spicy in a bad way sometimes personality-wise but likely the most physically attractive of the three. Angry they weren't born as white women. Indian women aren't as rowdy as the other two but damn they ugly. Not charming in any way either. Angry they aren't white women. Black women are just ugly and loud, annoying. Again angry because they are not white women. Or at least as cute as Asian women. I'd rather flood the country with Thai traps than these women it's that bad. At least the traps are friendly and cute "women." Not saying I'm interested just saying I'd rather have them around in public than American bitches. That's how unattractive modern women are.
The important lesson is do not bring children into this world just to suffer like we are. That's why you need migrants. If you're a man nobody cares about you and your culture so why care about your own country? Let it rot. My fellow white men for example are just as simpy as the Indian men. Worshiping their whore wives who cheat on them and lead the family household through coercion/threats of divorce. Long gone are the days of European culture caring about itself. They fled Europe to get away from kings and land barons. But then installed a new government in America. They never learn. That's why I just do not care at all. The idiocracy. My coworkers being MAGA fanboys despite not realizing he's just another corrupt simp elite who wants to be one of "The Last of the Caucasians." And be worshiped for it. Meanwhile the average working man who provides legitimate labor to others in selflessness behavior gets no respect so why even care? It's an Evil world and not worth saving. Bring the giant meteor to end us please.