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Elon Just Called Out Christians…

Published on 31 Aug 2024 / In News & Politics

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KEEPER 16 days ago  

i will be honest, i'm a bit disconnected on this, i grew up Christian but also understand what has been going on with the belief system and of what's been going on in the world, and i do agree that the church has become very cucked from where it originated.

you know the saying that history is told by the victors, well part of me feels this was won originally in the west, but in time it was eroded away from it's earlier counterparts due to the cultural changes and norms of the times.

i once pissed off one of my parents when i stated that in many ways the Christians don't seem to have a backbone and that Jesus was preaching all kinds of passive and aggressive attitudes in how people should live and that kind of mentality is leading people to become just like that sadly, yes i know there was that one time when Jesus got mad and threw some tables or whatever but that situation was out of a disrespect of his temple or something, i might be misremembering, but outside of this one situation, Jesus preached of being passive to the point of his own death, it's lead many Christians to be passive with their enemies, so when being set up to not fight when Islamist's who have cut their throat, this is where passivism leads you, passivism is weakness.

but i suppose if you truly believe in god and his plan, these people will be vilified in the after life because they were willing to endure until the end and take their passivism in service to god's plan to the grave right?

because life on earth is all a test of god right, it's based in our choices while on earth and how we lived according to his gospel from my knowledge.

anyway, how do you guys feel about this, i know some of you don't care either way and some of you are still Christian, i just want to hear your thoughts.

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WMHarrison94 15 days ago

Intersting. I left Christianity and Roman Catholicism especially after our WW2 NAZI current Pope stated "Tradition will be held above Scriptures." The heresy... I once thought that the Roman Catholic Church was the Whore of Babylon, I know that to be modern Israel now. The Church might be the whore of the Beast...the evil triad Beast, False Prophet, and AntiChrist ( whom I believe will be a bitch because Christ is the "body" so opposite of a male body is a bitche's) and I believe we have three of them on the world stage The Beast (our Devil incarnate WW2 NAZI George Soros), the False Prophet, our WW2 NAZI Pope, and "Mabus" the AntiChrist as Nostradamus called him the third one... the first two were Napolean and Hitler, both whose birth places were stated by Nostradamus himself...

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KEEPER 15 days ago

@WMHarrison94: a little off topic, but every time i see the word catholic, i think of alcoholic, and then i think there needs to be a relation of alcoholics lol. ahhh, hopefully i fall asleep soon, damn this insomnia, i was asleep for a while but then i woke up and couldn't get back to bed.

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KEEPER 15 days ago

religion of alcoholics, not relation.

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WMHarrison94 15 days ago

@KEEPER: Catholics do love their alcohol, priests included...

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WMHarrison94 15 days ago

We have Alcoholics Anonymous: I heard in comedic movies it's a great place to picknup chicks! Lol! Maybe, we need a Catholics Anonymous!? I lean more toward Catharic... it seems once again like Germ Theory, the French were correct ..

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KEEPER 15 days ago

@WMHarrison94: wait what? germ theory the french were correct? i don't understand,,,, you know what, never mind...

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Toki 13 days ago

Weird. I had comment notifications to this thread but I never participated here. Said Harrison replied to me?

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KEEPER 13 days ago

@Toki: yeah, i agree that is weird, maybe it's possible he tagged you and sent the message but then deleted it, it might have been by accident, just some theories.

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KEEPER 13 days ago

@Toki: it actually makes me curious, i'm going to try something with you for a second to see if it works.

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KEEPER 12 days ago

it either didn't work or you just haven't checked yet, so i will continue this test to see if it still works until you get the test.

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Toki 12 days ago

@KEEPER: All I have is the two replies from you with the @Toki

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KEEPER 12 days ago

@Toki: ok so you didn't get sent to this video?

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Toki 12 days ago

@KEEPER: Well I just realized I wasn't subbed to you. So I did and it says you uploaded a video one hour ago. But that could be any of your videos. Brazil and Twatter is the video. It's normal to get video notifications in this manner if a person is subbed. Are you trying to send something else?

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KEEPER 12 days ago

@Toki: so what i did was a test to see if i could use your name to send you to some random video, i guess it didn't work since i had to send the link directly. it's no biggie, it was just a test that didn't work.

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KEEPER 12 days ago

some things you might like and some things you might not, i post a lot of random shit.

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sbseed 15 days ago

modern church = jew and evil... (my opinion)

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KEEPER 15 days ago

idk in my opinion anymore, so i can't say it's evil or not as i have seen some good but some bad, i just look at it as everyone is flawed, even the church i grew up in that says till this day they get modern day revelations, and i'm skeptical, i think it works more like they change according to the times rather than through revelation, they might say revaluation is the reason, but it often feels like it's made up as they go according to the times, but i could be wrong i don't fucking know. i have prayed to god many times in my life and it's always felt like i was praying to nothing, i want to believe something is there listeniong

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KEEPER 15 days ago

but it always feels empty.

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KEEPER 15 days ago

i hit enter too soon in that first reply lol, it's my hands i'm having issues with them as i type shit out.

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sauger1001 15 days ago

According to Scripture, the Church that was established by Christ was always a "Little Flock" (Lk. 12:32), that will receive His Kingdom upon His and The Father's Return. It's simply One (very small) Church (simply called "The Church of God"), not hundreds (or thousands) of denominations (ie divisions) spun off from the church of Rome (catholics/protestants/judaists), or their pagan traditions (ie Sunday worship, Christmas, Easter, New Years, Halloween, etc). The Church of God actually obeys His Commandments and His statutes (Lev. 23), and don't involve themselves with the cares of this world (Mt. 6:33; 13:22). God protects and provides for His Church, as He did for His people in the wilderness.

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KEEPER 15 days ago

it's bizarr hearing this, because it speaks to me of the church i grew up in, but i can't help but feel the message was not for the church i was raised in. but at the same time it often feels like it is, i don't know... i'm just someone who wants to believe, but can't help but feel empty when i pray as if i'm only talking to myself and nobody is there listening, i want to believe that god is there, but i can't help but feel only emptiness, which is really messed up when i'm experiencing suicidal thoughts and pleading for something to respond to me from prayer, and nothing ever does seem to be there, but for some reason i can't explain why, i still want to believe that there is something there and that ghosts are real and angles and demons and shit like that, but i just haven't felt anything come from it, so i go back to feeling empty and lost.

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sauger1001 14 days ago

@KEEPER: All of us have been deceived at one time. That's exactly how the Adversary wants us to feel; depressed, with No One to turn to. I've been there as well. Frankly, I'm surprised I'm still alive today, bc like my late older brother (killed in 1975), I thought I'd already be dead. Only The Creator made it possible for me to still be here. There's gotta' be a reason we're still here. It's okay to ask Him why. He will answer if He already hasn't. Unlike the Adversary, He wants us to know He controls events, not man. Hope that helps.

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KEEPER 14 days ago

@sauger1001: it doesn't, but i appreciate the attempt, my life feels all kinds of worthless even though i am valued, it just never feels like it's enough, i end up finding distractions, this is why my upload schedual is all over the place and why my videos, "well not my videos" but the videos i upload are so random, i have to get my mind off of shit and onto other things as distractions, i have had these suicidal thoughts for over the last roughly 15 years, there have been a few times i was really close to that end because it plays on my mind like a broken record, a lot of it depends on my health issues and my capability to get help is damn near non-existent, i'm not receiving welfare from the government, but i do get help from family but once that support is gone, i don't know what i will do, the thought of death doesn't bother me like it used to.

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WMHarrison94 15 days ago

One, Christianity has been more pacified and infiltrated three times for sure by NonChristians to undermine Christianity or Roman Catholic Church... ie during The Holy Roman (Catholic) Empire... Two, God El Elohim and God in Cosplay Jesus Christ (though I am prefering Yoshua Kristos since "demons" like calling themselves "Jesus.") warned us the Church will be usurped and many will kill in Their name. Gospel of Judas and I believe Gospel of Mary Magdalene both say this. Revelations demonstrates this with the Seven Churches... Revelations of Apostle John. Three, God El Himself says don't follow the Church follow the Bible... read the Bible. I left religion and "Christianity" as it is now for this this, ie "Revelations." I believe in Revelations not religion... just saying.

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sbseed 15 days ago

well if you are talking about the pope and the 'catholic' church then it was created by the jews and the templar but was never christian...

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sauger1001 14 days ago

Like The Creator, an honest minister will always tell his congregation to "prove him" (Mal. 3:10) through checking their Bibles. Clowns like the pope (the Vatican, while they're brainwashing women and diddling their kids), will simply tell you to believe whatever crap they shove down your throat. They are the synagogue of Satan. JMO.

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The Doctrine of Group Think.

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WMHarrison94 15 days ago

You mean "Christian" NonChristian Hive Mind...

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sbseed 15 days ago

@WMHarrison94: sounds catholic to me...

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