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Elon Musk RAGES & DEMONITIZES & BANS Conservatives Speaking Out Against H1-B Immigration? X Staff?

Published on 27 Dec 2024 / In News & Politics

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There are people who genuinely dislike Elron - and they appear to be telling the truths about him and what he's been getting up too.

He says and does some thing, sort of like fitting a hand full of life jackets and boats to the Titanic - while in the big picture, there are 1500 dead people at the bottom of the ocean, because of a lack of life boats etc.

Elron is a lying cunt, who is running a heap of unscrupulous agendas, and his censorship reigeme on X is pretty fucking bad - adding onto that the matter that he appointed some slut from the WEF to manage it.

If that's not stepping in dog shit - I don't know what is.

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WMHarrison94 14 hours ago

Yeah, these companies want slaves but settle on wage-slaves. And No, MGTOW.TV is the freest platform out there...and we would like to keep it that way.

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