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Emergency rations for the survival of the Thrifty

Published on 29 Mar 2020 / In Other

This is a remainder of a 45 day supply I had purchased about 5 years ago. Over the years I have given some away, consumed some here at my apartment, and used it for camping. I never thought we would ACTUALLY be in this kind of emergency. This is the remainder of my stock, and I will tell you what I think you will need,, at the minimum, for the 15 days. This is for a healthy single man.

Music: Tea for the Tillerman, Cat Stevens - Morgan Studios & Olympic Studios, London, UK: 1970-⁣Morgan Studios,lympic Studios, London

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KEEPER 5 years ago

thanks for the recommendation of the Peterson field guide.

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ancientsea 5 years ago

Protien is hard to find in nature. Clover and Nettles are two that immediately come to mind if I recall lambs Quarter is also a good source. There is plenty of wild stuff to eat in season and it will satisfy fiber and nutrient requirements, but, protien and sugar are really needed and not always at hand. Its best if you go out and get the basics from someone who knows a lot. If you hunt and fish you should be fine.

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KEEPER 5 years ago

@ancientsea: clover is easy to find where i live. not sure about nettles or lambs quarter tho. but yeah i just ordered a hard copy of this from amazon after watching this. it was kind of a challenge to find the best version because there are so many out there.

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KEEPER 5 years ago

it's getting pretty scary mate. they say if this thing lasts any longer it could render the country bankrupt, and then nobody will have any money to pay for food. and at that point it's full on survival mode everybody's for themselves. best to find a group of ppl who are like minded near you and create your own little militia to carry out tasks for survival.

lol i was just recently watching a show called "stargate universe" and in that show they had to learn to survive with what they had until they got the chance to go off world to look for good soil and eatable plants so they could create their own hydroponics setup to create food. different scenario for sure. but interesting none the less of what they did for survival.

but an economic collapse sounds much worse than what they went through in this show. because it's world wide, i can understand why so many ppl think it's a good idea to go back to work even if it could possibly or potentially kill older ppl. because after all which one of these options is worse? starving to death or letting all the old ppl die. i'm not against all the old ppl like many in my generation are. i would rather they live, but it's starting to look as if it might last to long so a potential collapse might happen.

i hate the doom and gloom but sometimes it's best to think about these things ahead of time while we have the time to think about it. rather than wait until it's too late.

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ancientsea 5 years ago

Lat year I transplanted a whole bunch of wild garlic. I dug this up on the mountain and brought it back here. After a couple of months I noticed that it had all died back, I was a only a little disappointed. Yesterday I noticed that nearly half of it had sprouted up...I really don't have any explanation for this. It seems life always finds a way. [[true]]

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KEEPER 5 years ago

@ancientsea: that's some bad luck my friend.

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KEEPER 5 years ago

@ancientsea: i have a funny but related story. so my stepdad loves gardening, however in our location he decided to built a small greenhouse. but the visqueen he used was ripped apart every time he used it to build for the windows of the green house. and one day i told him we have a junk car on our lot that we don't use for anything. and i proposed the idea to use this broken down worthless vehicle as a green house. the vehicle is in the right place to get sunlight through it all year long and all the windows roll up. i suggested taking out all the seats and just build a grow box inside the vehicle. maybe crack open a few windows during the summer, don't want to kill the plants lol. he hasn't taken my advise yet, but he laughed at it because it's never been done as far as he was aware but the reason why i suggested it in the first place is because this vehicle has been here for many years and all the tires are flat the vehicle does not run at all. and were not willing to go to the effort to sell it, but it would work great for a green house.

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KEEPER 5 years ago

it's plenty sturdy for a green house.

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