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Empowered Brave Femons

30 Просмотры
Опубликован в 20 Mar 2025 / В Фильм и анимация

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kaluz55 6 дней тому назад

I laughed when the 2nd lady went 'Aahh!'.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 6 дней тому назад

They panic and escalate the situation

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mrghoster 8 дней тому назад

These femon's just DID NOT handle the situation they let their cryptonite get in the way "EMOTIONS"!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 8 дней тому назад

They are not only useless in these positions but dangerous

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mrghoster 8 дней тому назад

Warning Warning PCSO! or Pretentious CUNT Shit Officer, This is why the British Police are a fucking laughing stock globally now. Mind you i have seen a totally different approach from MALE Officers where they will appoach and talk to the potential perp and everything settles with out drama, so why cant femon's do that? These CUNT's should NOT be allowed in these possitions at all. It's like that one a couple of years ago that at a demo sprayed a perfectly innocent bystander with pepper spray and had to be dragged of by it's SGT. She lost her job because she was and had been out of control before. I want to know WHY that second femon was in that guys private garden with a taser in the first place, surely that is illegal anyway? I'm not surpised even femon's are starting to HATE themselves in fact I think they always have but project their failings onto MEN, they are a fucking curse on humanity these day's. We need a CULL of femon's, far to many of the CUNT's in my opinion, it's not like they do anything useful anymore is it? I prey for a GENDER specific virus that will wipe out millions of FEMON's only, a balance has to be addressed or we are ALL fucked.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 8 дней тому назад

They are breeders and that seems to be ll they are

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mrghoster 8 дней тому назад

@SoloMan Zone: They cant even do that right these days either!

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 9 дней тому назад

Taser make Ugg stronger...

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 9 дней тому назад

She tasered the hulk

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