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Enjoy The Decline

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Published on 11 Oct 2020 / In News & Politics

enjoy the decline

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nest006 4 years ago

Different for me in UK . We're not allowed militias or arms (most people are allowed a shotgun though), and we now have to watch the circus of a gay right wing proper journalist be interviewed under caution by London's Metropolitan Police because one of his guests stated that the slave trade was not a genocide. All this while one of the BBC's guests on one of their post funny "comedy" shows said "we need to kill whitey" and she gets invited back. Can you guess her victim cards? She has two. The judiciary / police / government apply the laws differently according to your political views. It is morality policing and I'm out. This is stacked, and beyond anything in the UK that an individual can do with a 2nd Amendment, because we don't have one.

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

Hay Mr Truth ,I don't know who the dude is on the video but every One around me my street my little town all locked and loaded My AK and i have a 1000 rounds and that's just one weapon We have a lot of them a lot of people will Die over this . A LOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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KEEPER 4 years ago

it's TFM he has a channel on mgtow tv.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

so this was information for ppl who either can't fight or won't fight for themselves.

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: People like that will be the first to get killed . Here in my town just in one place the ( post 101 ) It's a place were a lot of ex Military about 3 to 4 Hundred of them all waiting for it to start War Hardened Men . It's going to be a blood bath .

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Bagoodman: i think where you live and the unity in your neighborhood is crucial. i'm glad to know you will be prepared, most ppl in the red pilled communities are well aware of the possibility's. and there are a lot of ignorant ppl out there who will more than likely not prepare. because maybe they have disabilities or no community or everyone in their neighborhood are ignorant leftists.

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: I Have a lot of friend's all over the place in the USA and around the World . I have a friend in Louisiana he tell's me on one hand he has a rifle and 3 month's of Food at the same time he says that the Government will take care of it he just cant see people rising up because were he is there not burning down shit and Killing people but here in Portland i see it happening It's Real shit but he acts like im crazy even when it's on the NEWS .People just cant believe it until they see it then it's to late !

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Bagoodman: unfortunately there are a lot of ignorant ppl who just because they don't personally see it happening in their cities they will be willfully ignorant of it ever happening to them and where they live. prepers have a similar mentality, but only because they happen to live within the middle of nowhere. and they kind of got a point as most if not all the violence will be within the cities where everyone lives near each other. they grow their own food and store it when times are tough and arm themselves and keep the community on the same page when it comes down to defending themselves and help with resources.

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