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Enoch Powell was right

Published on 10 Nov 2023 / In Film & Animation

Enoch Powell was right. from the words of ENOCH Britain is today reaching an EPOCH. Come amnistes Day (saturday(, I think Britian will change forever.We have no government that controls or defend's us anymore, the Police are leftish faggot's that run from crime rather than save us Brit's from it. The Police no longer have the respect of any Common MAN worth his salt. The White British MALE should distance himself from everything. Thats Government, women, the broken deceptive System that has for hundreds of years used MEN as Cannon fodder, Expected and forced us to die and for WHAT? Now we see those that died in Governemt created WAR's being insulted for a bunch of Arabs and deluded whites who have never been to war. I have never been to war but I resspect and stand fast for our forefathers who died for a better weporld that has nowe vanished in the psychotic break that humanity seems to have taken in Britain, you ALL deserve everything that is coming to you for not listening or standing up for us ALL. RIP Britain. Enoch Powell was RIGHT. He has been TRULY British hero of mine from a very young age. I thank GOD I'm old and have little time left so I hope to avoid what is to come. Whilst the rest of you FUCK WIT's can ;let your culture and history vanish in violence and bllod shed from those that are nothing more than pathetic foreigne Brainless APE's. integration and nations live in peace with nations is total BOLLOCK's and a MYTH that was never to be. This is what happens when you let the CANCER of politic's intpo youer mind.

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usr6874038614 1 year ago

Gents, this downfall is all planned, look up agenda 2030. The elites have put their pawns in our governments to destroy our societies, in good old communist fashion. Why does communism keep coming back all the time? Because it serves an agenda : it is the strategy towards a 1 world government. Destroy current societies, so the way is free for a new structure : a centralized system of world power. Communism is exactly that centralization of power, hence why it keeps popping up everywhere, as they frantically force it down our throats time and again. Even after the USSR has disappeared and proven it does not work. It all makes sense when you look at the bigger picture.
Police chiefs are often freemasons, so they are obliged to follow order from above, and thus become implementers and soldiers of the agenda. Not do that what is right.
They WANT us to give up on our society, and they keep screwing it up to that end. Many men have already given up on their country, because it has become such an abhorrent and unjust environment. By design. That is their goal, because it frees the way for them to do their thing.
Stay strong, and see the enemy.

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TripeSwing 1 year ago

Indeed Enoch was correct. Furthermore, with the State's enthusiastic help, Western females are giddily welcoming the invaders with open legs, here in the USA as well. Females lack the long vision required to uphold societies long term, perhaps because they have the option to land on their backs. Notice how the State is strongly encouraging men to also learn this disgusting & dishonorable tactic. It's likely too late to remedy, but if it can be, white Christian Western men will have to find their spines and expel all invaders in mass. Starting with enemy government officials is probably the right place to begin.

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mrghoster 1 year ago

Nicely said my friend. Reading this from you put a thought in my mind. Women are gouing to love all the brown dick but one day they are gonna find out of the blue ALL their entitlement wil vanishg and the hijab await's to cover their snug faces. Or is it a Berka or something. but they think they are free now? lol! juat wait until the future moves on a bit, they will be wishing they had not been rally shitty to the white guy's. We thwe White Guys that are current ly walking away from gynocentrism and the ?Matriarchy, because the Patriarchy will be nothing when islamic law hit's them. I'm an avid STOIC, I don't need no Fefail in my life at all they are already the past to me , so they can forget any help from me or my MGTOW/ Red Pill friends in the future because as the Eagles song say's "I'm already Gone"! lol! May the harlot's of Lilith burn in the hell they are creating for themselves. and I don't mean this sentence in any riligious or biblical way either.

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mrghoster 1 year ago

The spirit of ENOCH still lives on in the background and will rise again eventually.

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TripeSwing 1 year ago

@mrghoster: Indeed brother. Also, when islam drags them back to the 8th century, they won't even have toilets. From what I hear , even rich Arabs eschew toilets for a nice hole in the floor because that's what Muhammed did. The females are gonna hate it.

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TripeSwing 1 year ago

@mrghoster: love your channel btw

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mrghoster 1 year ago

@TripeSwing: Thanks man I try to vary the content from humor to stuff that matter's Thanks again, peace.

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bigintol03 1 year ago

@mrghoster: Have you ever seen that clip from an Eric Clapton concert in '76 where he shouts out "KEEP ENGLAND WHITE"! lol I thought it was great and I'm an American, and wasn't even born yet! lol

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TripeSwing 1 year ago

I played tenor, soprano, baritone saxes, flute & clarinet while touring England, Ireland & Holland in 1998/99. I did a handful of BBC London spots live and a bunch more BBC spots all over in Hull & Leeds and others recorded. Also some VH1 shoots in downtown London and some cool shows in Manchester and London. It was the time of my life for a couple years. The band was Preacher Boy & the Backyard Funeral Band out of San Francisco. We had so much fun, a 5 piece American roots Blues band.

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TripeSwing 1 year ago

@TripeSwing: about 350 gigs over 1.5 years. Lived in Harrogate, Nottingham, Cheadle Hulm, Moss Side & other places during

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