Ep. 3459a - Trump Ready To Usher In An Economic Renaissance, It Will Be The Golden Age
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The green scam has fallen apart, the green party just resigned. Production is failing in Germany. The climate hoax is just that a climate hoax. The signs are pointing to a major crisis, while the fake numbers are pointing to a strong economy, soon the truth will be seen. Trump is preparing the country for an economic renaissance, it will be the golden age.
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Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks
Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks
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We had flying cars! They were convertible and you left the wings at the airfield. They were less than a hundred from five hundred minimum before manufacturing... like presales I believe.
So... Hurrican Hellene was no seawater rising into the mountains?
Ah, Fifteen minute prisons...
Golden Age for the politician. More inflation for me because I have to pay all these taxes for Trump's harem. And his son's harem. His stage wife's plastic surgery and his spoiled princess. Just like the Clintons and Bidens.
Only working men with real jobs deserve respect and "votes." Not narcissists in funny suits.
What Trump should do - Make his own media company to compete against woke American trash. Because his true talent is comedy and trolling women. Speaking of I'm shocked you support Trump because it seems like he wants women back in the kitchen raising their own damn kids. Or be pornstars like Stormy Daniels I guess. I'm guessing prostitutes and porn stars is what Trump truly wants because his own marriage is just a farce for social image. I have to pay for Meliana's multi-cultural harem of younger men sex toys also. This isn't freedom, it's slavery while Satan rules over Earth using the business suit social class as his minions. Trump better open those borders because I'm not going to produce more future slaves for him, his family, and his harem. Same with the other ruling class families. Or my useless manager class at work who don't work but get paid more than the men who are doing the real work for the paying customer. We all have to pay inflated prices for everything to appease these useless administration social classes who are obviously failing at their roles. They are no different than unemployed single moms on welfare receiving free handouts from working men's labor.
You are likely against unions correct? Well Trump is a union president of sorts. A CEO, a politician. Same thing.
I just want him to start a TV talk show where where he interviews awful American women and roasts them live. I don't need a Daddy Gov Nanny police state which it will always remain because all Gov is communism.
This guy couldn't even change a spare tire on his own vehicle so how can I respect a male like that? He owns slaves to do his dirty work and the sad thing is men are willing to be his personal slaves. Like the SS elite guard. He's even paying women to be his own personal guard lol. Obvious idiot if he's willing to pay women to be bodyguards. He probably just has sex with them I bet. Paying for it of course like a simp.
He's also an obvious Glutton. I don't trust people who take 11/12 slices of the pizza and leaves working men with 1 slice. Inflating food costs on us all by being a Glutton living in excess. Working men actually need the calories because they are productive adults who are doing the real work. Of course you wouldn't understand you're an internet welfare sponge also not working anywhere. Talk is cheap. Social media is not worth any money. I block all your ads as well because they are like politicians = all lies and exagerrated false promises. I vote to support the men at UBlock providing me with a free add-on that truly improves my life. What do Gov and corporate people do? Enslave me and shove ads in my face for brainwashing purposes.
You really can't read people huh? Let me tell anyone who wears a business suit is a con artist. It's that simple. A narcissist with a weak sense of fashion and wearing shoulderpads because they have weak fat bodies with no man muscle. They can't even be honest about their wimpy shoulders. But they have mantits and fat bellies from excess life of Sloth, Greed, and Gluttony that's for certain.
Vote for Jesus if anything. Keep in mind Jesus was a celibate not being controlled by women in the back seat. Instead you worship false gods.