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Epic Debate Panel w/ Wheat Waffles, TFM, Kezia Noble, and Kevin

Published on 17 Sep 2022 / In People & Blogs

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kaluz55 2 years ago

I'm not his biggest fan. But the only time I got anything from this was when TFM was talking.

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

Alright so if I'm getting this straight she is basically a 42 year old divorced single mother? She has literally become a statistic and we are supposed to take advice from her?

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

Buy a book and pay for course from a divorced woman who can show you how a man can use game to make a woman not divorce you! She gamed her ex-husband not vice versa! She is such an expert she should have coached her own husband to not get divorced haha. Unreal. It's sick that a man would marry a woman who has no problem declaring to the public her enormous body count

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

Ir was embarrassing at some moments that TFM was mentally running circles around these fools. Krw has a minor amount philosophical understanding and I respect that he has some grasp of philosophy and has studied some but tfm is on another level. TFM is suffering from curse of the high iq. He is a few standard deviations above everyone he is trying to communicate with here. Alex seemed like a poor child who was dropped on his head. He was just getting btfo'ed. It was sad watching that woman try to match wits, it is unreal she would be making these bs claims about being able to offer relationship success and in the same breath talk about her "ex-husband" which means she couldn't make her own relationship work I guess because her husband didn't game her properly. So ridiculous. She was sitting there saying if you follow her advice you can prevent divorce while simultaneously saying she has been divorced unreal solipsism
If this thot was in the US her ex husband could have been another divorce rape statistic. This woman can't seem to grasp the concepts tfm was laying down in regards to how video testimonials can be very misleading and why they were banned in some cases. She can't seem to understand to even begin to try to prove her "teaching game" is effective should would have to collect data and compare it against a control group which is almost impossible to do so the evidence will always be anecdotal, it could all be dumb luck and a change that came about by a person simply taking the leap to make a change. The data does not support her claims, the birth rate is collapsing, marriage is a failing institution, and women have higher body counts then ever, even this woman herself is divorced and she can't see the irony. She gamed the man who married her HARD because a man would be a fool to marry a fast-life history strategist woman who sits there and openly talks about her enormous body count with no shame. Absolutely ridiculous to have a woman acting this way and somehow even this fast life history strategist can still get married. Literally a exact example of what is wrong with women and totally oblivious to it. She spent most of the time she was speaking talking about her sexual exploits and how she wanted more sexual exploits even explaining how she wanted to be banged. Low iq alex needs to go back to giving tips on how to have sex with women who are on their period like he did in another video. I am proud of tfm opening a can of pure whoop ass on these bafoons even though they are so stupid they cannot even recognize they were just figuratively smashed into the concrete.

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