Epidemic Of Fraud' Explores Media, Medical & Partisan Political Attacks Against Ancient Medications
Epidemic Of Fraud' Explores Media, Medical & Partisan Political Attacks Against Ancient Medications
The Epidemic of Fraud was far worse than mere Fraud. It was a vast conspiracy to Intentionally Commit Malpractice and CAUSE as Much Damage Possible. THEY WANTED PEOPLE TO DIE to Cause Extreme Fear in the Public, to Convince Everyone Covid-19 was SO DANGEROUS That the Public Would Demand to Have a Vaccine.
It was also Supported by the Established Policy of the UN Genocide Pact.
The Protocols of Death was Medical Assassination. Mass Murder World Wide. But even after it became obvious that Fauci, the CDC and the WHO, along INTENTIONALLY the Entire Health Industry Intentionally Mass Murdered their Patients, No One Was Ever Held Accountable.
Regardless of the Fact that Hospitals and Doctors were Paid for Every use of the Drugs and Ventilators, and a Huge Bounty was Paid For Every Death that THEY CAUSED.
Even though the Vax Ingredients were NEVER GIVEN FDA APPROVAL AND WERE KNOWN TO BE BANNED FROM PUBLIC USE. Even though No Credible Safety Trials were conducted, or Even Tested For Effectiveness. Which means they had No Concern with Preventing Infection AT ALL. And it is not like they were HOPING it would work. THEY KNEW DAMN WELL WHAT IT DOES FROM THE EXTENSIVE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT BY THE MILITARY.
I was never able to understand WHY the Public never Took Justice into their Own Hands. Swift Justice at the hands of the people would have stopped it from continuing real fast. But that was when Men were Still Men. And every man who let they GET AWAY WITH MURDERING FAMILY MEMBERS ARE NOT MEN, BUT PUSSIES.
If they tried to pull such Evil crimes thirty years ago, Vigilantes would have been lining up from the side of America to the other.
Real Men are willing to sacrifice their Own Lives to Save Others.
None of them will ever be charged, because it was the Government itself that PAID to Kill Them. But it was not Just Health Officials and Government Agencies that were Responsible, BUT EVERY POLITICIAN THAT ALLOWED IT TO HAPPEN .. And No Justice will come from Trump. He is Preparing for the Next Round of Global Genocide..
The (2024) Award-Winning Documentary Epidemic of Fraud explores the bizarre media, medical, and partisan political attacks levied against a class of ancient medications, told from the perspective of a former CNN journalist and Hollywood industry veteran.
Why were the people who allowed the opiate disaster to go unchecked so eager to discredit a drug that is safer than tonic water? Director John Davidson takes you into an audio/visual time machine back to 2020 to reveal the forbidden knowledge that our medical, academic, and political officials are desperate to hide from you.
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