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Episode 151 - MGTOW is a JOKE

Published on 02 Jan 2023 / In Other

This might be the most important episode you can ever watch. The message that is being pushed by these "Red Pill" (MGTOW - Manosphere) guys is absolute BS. They are pushing the narrative that men should avoid having children, and they should even avoid having a committed relationship with any women at all. That is what Beta men do. Real Alpha men do not shy away from having children, and Real Alpha men are not afraid of a system, even if that system is not in their favor. You don't change a system by avoiding the process! You change a system by facing it head on and fighting against it. That's a FACT. Find my primary channel on Rumble at

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 2 years ago

So you are an animal driven by base instinct? Breed, above all.

What are you getting all worked up over? With all the guys taking themselves off the market you should be able to scoop a real prize. More for you. Unless you are already married.

And it actually was not "socially unacceptable" to be a single man Years ago. Men of means actually had to be prodded to take a wife. Many states in the U.S. had a bachelor tax to force men to marry. Those repealed laws are on the books for all to see.

Get out there and get yourself a harem, big boy. You actually look just like Rich and Hammer.

The biggest question is why do you care what another man does with his dick? Get out there and swagger, take control.

If "real" men walked away for 60 days the world would collapse in on itself. A lesson needs to be taught. A hard vicious lesson needs to be taught. A lesson resulting in sheer terror needs to be taught.

What are you so afraid of? You sound terrified and hysterical.

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Wienerfied 2 years ago

Alright, let’s break this down one by one Hero… First of all, your response here literally proves my point. You could have taken 30 seconds to research me, and you would have found all of these answers, but instead you decided to react based off your Beta emotions, just like a woman. The REAL question is, IF you are sooooo secure in YOUR philosophy, then why does MY content bother YOU??? I’ll get into why MGTOW’s message bothers me in a minute, but trust me when I say that on a personal level, I really don’t care one way or another. So let’s get to it… YES, we are ALL just animals driven by instinct. We all have genetic attributes that dictate our personalities, this is basic BIOLOGY. Sure, there may be some environmental factors that play a role in that development as well (that happens with ANY animal), but for the most part everything about us is genetic. I say it all the time, “psychology does NOT override biology”, and I would be more than happy to prove that IF you’re smart enough to listen. Next, it has NEVER been socially acceptable to be a bachelor beyond a certain age. Look at your own statement here Genius, IF they had a “bachelor tax”, then that alone means it was SOCIALLY UNACCEPTABLE. Furthermore, who were these “men of means”, lol??? Go ahead and name ONE (aside from James Bond), I’ll wait… The number of affluent men who had families compared to the number of affluent men who didn’t isn’t even close. Kings were married, billionaires were married, and every other “man of means” was married, but go ahead and try to prove me wrong. Again, I’ll wait… Moving on… Do you know what a “haram” is??? Literally, do you even understand what that word means? Man, you are special… Just FYI though (and again, 30 seconds of research would have answered this question), but I am happily married (for 18 years), I have TWO wives, and I practice modern polygyny. I am constantly dating women outside of my marriage, and I have plenty of “swagger”. Unlike the rest of you Beta cucks, I’m NOT afraid of women or the system, and I literally talk about this is many different episodes. So “big boy”, I actually am practicing what I preach. And before you spout your dirty hamster mouth about any of this, I have been divorced TWICE. The first time as a very young Soldier when I got sent to Korea for a year, and then the second time when I went to Iraq. My second ex wife was German, and trust me when I say that if you think it’s difficult to get divorced in America, it is much more difficult in Germany, and I know what it’s like to be raked over the coals TWICE. Yet it didn’t stop me from taking risks and finding love, because I’m not a complete PU$$Y… You think I look just like Rich, thanks Sailor, I’ll take that as a compliment. To say that I look like Hammer is comical though. I’m 6’2” and right at 230lbs. I’m NOT bald, I’m NOT fat, my hair is NOT white, and I have proven my abilities in life. I’m an Army Combat Veteran who spent years in Federal Law Enforcement after getting out of the Army, and now I am a business owner who built a successful construction company from the ground up with NOTHING. I mean seriously, have you actually looked at yourself in the mirror??? Are you this “Rooster” fella who is in all these videos under your channel??? If so, I will put up MY appearance compared to YOURS any day of the week. Once again, your Beta emotional response here is comical, and you are literally proving my point… Finally, here is WHY it matters. The message that MGTOW is pushing is a message of cowardice, laziness, and excuses. You say that “if men just walked away for 60 days, the world would collapse”, yeah, sure kid, that is TRUE. Here’s where you’re wrong though, killer. If men walked away for 60 days and collapsed the world, then it means THEIR world would collapse too, and this is precisely why men have never done that, and they never will. Because it would mean that men would need to step up and actually learn how to survive and be men again. They wouldn’t be able to blame women for these problems, they would have to take ownership of what THEY have caused. See, here’s what all you Beta MGTOW guys don’t understand. Every problem that we have in this world is caused by absence of STRONG men. Women don’t create laws, women don’t shape societies, MEN DO!!! The reason that our society is soooo messed up is because MEN have allowed it. It’s the same with politics, it’s the same with religion, it’s the same with education, it’s the same with anything else. Don’t blame women for something that men have created!!! Sooooo, I would be more than happy to have a discussion about this any day of the week. You have an open invitation to come on my podcast anytime, I can send you a zoom link and we can talk about this like MEN. By all appearances, we have a LOT of things that we agree on, and I am sure that we could find some common ground IF we try. I stand by every statement that I’ve made though, and I am more than willing to back it up. Are you??? I won’t hold my breath, but let’s find out…

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 2 years ago

@Wienerfied: Too long, didn't read. Here's some definitions for you, cupcake: Incel- wants women but can't get them. PUA- wants women and indirectly pays for them. MGTOW- can easily get women but is sick of their crap and doesn't want them anymore. There is a very fundamental difference there.

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 2 years ago

I used to try to reach noobs but the scamarona has changed that. It's time to wake up. The beast shut down the entire fucking world two years ago and brought it to it's knees. Good luck fighting that by wifing up an ingrate who's a slave to that same beast. We'd be better off preparing for our imminent deaths and making them count.

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Wienerfied 2 years ago

@Calling All Stations: You are a special kind of PU$$Y... Anytime you want to put your money where your mouth is, you can come on my podcast and prove me wrong... Again, I won't hold my breath...

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Furioso 2 years ago

The system will always have more muscles than the most "alpha" man .If you still want to associate/get married with modern wahmen knowing that the majority are chameleons/feminists indoctrinated/irresponsible grown ass children and knowing misandrist laws ,you are not "ALPHA" but a kamikaze with suicidal tendencies who think with his "little head" .For my part ,i don't want to have my financial and social life ruined because of a bitch .Marriage is dead ,families are dead because of the elites for their agenda of control/depopulation/woke indoctrination and social media addicted narcisstic greedy bitches .Unless these powerful billionaires who are behind all this mess are all slayed and laws becomes fair ,nothing will change for me .

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Wienerfied 2 years ago

Spoken like a true PU$$Y... If you knew anything about "Masculine Containment", you wouldn't be worried about ANY of those things. Do you know where they don't have these problems? Saudi Arabia!!! Do you know why??? Because they take the law into their own hands if their women go against them, and guess what Genius, the laws in Western Society won't change until men here start doing the same thing. I'll repeat though, you can't change the system by avoiding the process, and all you are doing is making feminism stronger. Keep pretending like you're an Alpha though, it's hilarious...

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