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Episode 151 - MGTOW is a JOKE
This might be the most important episode you can ever watch. The message that is being pushed by these "Red Pill" (MGTOW - Manosphere) guys is absolute BS. They are pushing the narrative that men should avoid having children, and they should even avoid having a committed relationship with any women at all. That is what Beta men do. Real Alpha men do not shy away from having children, and Real Alpha men are not afraid of a system, even if that system is not in their favor. You don't change a system by avoiding the process! You change a system by facing it head on and fighting against it. That's a FACT. Find my primary channel on Rumble at https://rumble.com/c/c-1191081
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So you are an animal driven by base instinct? Breed, above all.
What are you getting all worked up over? With all the guys taking themselves off the market you should be able to scoop a real prize. More for you. Unless you are already married.
And it actually was not "socially unacceptable" to be a single man Years ago. Men of means actually had to be prodded to take a wife. Many states in the U.S. had a bachelor tax to force men to marry. Those repealed laws are on the books for all to see.
Get out there and get yourself a harem, big boy. You actually look just like Rich and Hammer.
The biggest question is why do you care what another man does with his dick? Get out there and swagger, take control.
If "real" men walked away for 60 days the world would collapse in on itself. A lesson needs to be taught. A hard vicious lesson needs to be taught. A lesson resulting in sheer terror needs to be taught.
What are you so afraid of? You sound terrified and hysterical.
The system will always have more muscles than the most "alpha" man .If you still want to associate/get married with modern wahmen knowing that the majority are chameleons/feminists indoctrinated/irresponsible grown ass children and knowing misandrist laws ,you are not "ALPHA" but a kamikaze with suicidal tendencies who think with his "little head" .For my part ,i don't want to have my financial and social life ruined because of a bitch .Marriage is dead ,families are dead because of the elites for their agenda of control/depopulation/woke indoctrination and social media addicted narcisstic greedy bitches .Unless these powerful billionaires who are behind all this mess are all slayed and laws becomes fair ,nothing will change for me .