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Episode 155 - MGTOW is a JOKE - PT.2
As expected, last weeks episode about MGTOW being a JOKE was not taken so well by a few MGTOW cry babies, and so this episode is a continuation on that topic. I try to stay calm and rational in this one, but as you all know, I can get rowdy from time to time. Nonetheless, I go into much greater detail here about WHY this ideology is so garbage, and what real men need to do to fix it. As always, let's talk about it.
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So a man who don't think like you is a BETA ,interesting .Like always ,you shame MGTOW men like a bitch and no ,i don't want to come on your shitty podcast to waste my time with a closed minded person like you .
You want to know a man of means ,ok .Leonardo Di Caprio .How about that ?It's not MGTOW men who make FEMINISM stronger ,it's guys like you who finance this rigged system .The government wants women to be sexually liberated/be single mothers and take kids away from their fathers to indoctrinate them to woke/LGBTQ+ bullshit .It also wants men to get married to exploit them .You compare a patriarchal society like Saudi Arabia to feminist western societies where men have no authority nor reproductive rights , it's ridiculous .MGTOW men like myself still smash women but i don't want to be legally involved with them and i don't want to bring a life in this corrupt twisted society .Look around you ,look how young children are lost and fucked up in their head .Men like YOU are the reason why this rotten system still stand up .
MGTOW - according to you is shit.
Well good for you.
I got fed up with the average woman being basically simple and brainwashed with feminist shit...
They are like puppets - all yanking each others strings. Most of them are liabilities and little else.
And the trolling - don't you have anything better and or constructive things to do?
Tired of listening to your shit....
Go back to trolling.
Who is this fucker suppose to be and why is the video 18+?