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Episode 32: Proud To Be An Antisemite

Published on 02 Oct 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Toki 4 months ago

Republicans plan: Let's give women more welfare, free housing, free college, and let them work filling jobs instead of men. Let's also import more migrants so our women can have more masculine men to have sex with committing adultery in the process.
Democrats plan: Basically the same thing but 1% more effort into the plan. And let's genocide white people because Caucasian jealousy of those who are not white.
Me an average working man who is my own adult: I don't need a Gov nanny state at all. Eliminate the concept entirely and put these people to work at real jobs for production and prosperity for all. instead of prosperity exclusively for themselves.
As a man of God I would hope you don't support any false gods in business suits. That's sinful blasphemy. I vote for Jesus, not fat old men who pay porn stars for sex while committing adultery. Or worse.

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