Episode 74: Natural Woman
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Modern Christianity is disguised as Bible teaching but really is Female worship. Also. Yes it is true that woman "Bare" so "SEED" of humanity. But it is Man who that "Seed" belongs to and comes from. So without the SEED of man, woman would bare Nothing. Context is Important. Speaking those things about Women baring seed and all of that without proper context is pedestalizing women; almost like talking about how great a woman is and the wonderful things she does with her money to help people. Without mentioning that she only have that money because she used the laws and courts to divorce r*aped her husband to get it. Again CONTEXT is important. This has always been my problem with MODERN Western Christianity. It only high light the positive things about women; leaves out context, Ignore the Proper head of man, and most importantly, Completely ignore the many many negative things about women that the bible instruct men to watch out for and avoid. The Bible is an instruction book specifically for men. But what Modern Western Christianity has done with their doctrine seems to have deliberately created a Pro Female, Government approved doctrine to elevate and "empower" women, while at the same time attempt to turn men completely away from the bible and God. This is the legacy of Modern Western Christianity. which is Completely different than Pre Constantine Christianity, The Christianity Christ and the Apostle taught. .
jesus was not a jew but a hebrew (there are no hebrew anymore, only the raped remnants of a dead language)...
the jeudeo-christian "church" has NOTHING to do with christianity or god, it is a jewish run cabal and is the GREAT AND DREADFUL CHURCH god/mormon warn about in the scriptures...
that church was created is maintained and led by the jewish synagogue of satan...
sadly marriage these days is a contract between the feminazi and the gov. to destroy the family and the head of the family...
make a contract between a male and a female (with god as witness) and DO NOT ALLOW THE GOV., or the evil jew, TO BE INVOLVED!!!!
and since you can only trust a female to take and never give or add too the family other than bearing children only to destroy them, NEVER GET MARRIED OR DATE PERIOD!!!!
Thanks for the SANER non FEMINIST references that WOMEN Are all right to desire and to want to fuck.... minus the communist brainwashed outrage.