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Redpill asylum 10 - TheRedKnight

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EQUAL PAY: Rules of Modern Dating & Understanding Women "It's Complicated"

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Published on 13 Jun 2023 / In People & Blogs
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TripeSwing 2 years ago

Holy disgusting fuck! The klingon at 3:30 with zero shame for her nasty flabby sagging boobs & tatted chest makes me wretch. She looks like a thinner version of black tick bitch.

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Mustang 2 years ago

Two Nose Rings?!?!?! GROSS!!!

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Mr_Sluggo 2 years ago

Most (not all) Women are full of shit and they know it.

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It's the other issue that these dumb broads don't register, is that is the if the men's and women's games was equally advertised, on the same networks two stations, with the same amount adds, at the same times, OK.

And men's game was televised on one channel and the women's game was televised on another channel - you can bet your balls that 90% will be watching the men's - because the men's game is fast and exciting and women's games are fucking LAME.

I have seen the American's women national basket ball team, and they are slovenly and slow and they are shit players...

And you can bet your balls that NON of these women ever watch the WNBA games either....

But almost all of them will parrot "Oh equal pay, equal pay" - fucking idiots.

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bigintol03 2 years ago


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@bigintol03: Do you remember that one game with a womens team and a guy with one leg beat them in a game of soccer..... LOL

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bigintol03 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I do, but that was one completely intact guy versus an entire girls team, the other one was a whole team of one legged guys on crutches versus an entire girls team!

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@bigintol03: Yeah well there is a lot to see and remember... I could remember one guy with one leg running rings around a whole team of women, sort of like a Benny Hill show closing sketch... I could not remember the crutches until you mentioned it and I remember the issue about the team of cripples but not really much about the video of the team.... There are so many great videos about women being losers at pretty much everything. Its hard to remember them all.

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I think getting older and loving to read and watch good videos and all, it's no longer a case of trying to find memories in an over stuffed filing cabinet, it's more like trying to find a news paper clipping in a rubbish tip....

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