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Era Of Indifference Part 2 - Mgtow

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Опубликован в 20 Jan 2022 / В Люди и блоги

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Bobby_Onii_Chan 3 лет тому назад

This indifference is a long way coming!!!

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Aerospeighce99 3 лет тому назад

Excellent synopsis Drums McBashington! They shoot themselves in the foot all the time.

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Drums_McBashington 3 лет тому назад

Thanks. Sometimes they put their feet in their mouths first, then blow them right off. They will truly have to hit rock bottom, before a tiny percentage will admit they were wrong. Maybe.

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Drums_McBashington 3 лет тому назад

I've met a few younger guys that essentially live the mgtow life without knowing what it is. Young fellow (17) working on my crew a few years back, the same. Told me most of his schoolmates were the same. He'd never heard of mgtow. They just know women aren't worth the trouble. Another thing to consider is the university problem. Not enough men for the girls, they call it 'golden penis syndrome', because anything else would be the truth. They've kicked men out, less degrees, less high paying jobs. We know they marry for money. They claim: "Not so", but then prove it by complaining that there's no "economically attractive" men available. They want the top tier men while simultaneously making them go extinct, are blind to average men, in the meantime mgtow (or a reasonable facsimile thereof) grows/spreads. California is making equity laws, Australia just announced the same (all boards of directors, company bosses must be 40-50% female). This will shake many more awake. They have truly fucked themselves with there own entitlement and greed for power. They'd better start cranking out product at the cat factory, or there won't be enough to go around.

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csehszlovakze 3 лет тому назад

it was nice to hear you on Chronic's show.

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