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Eric Clapton Attacked

Published on 07 Nov 2021 / In News & Politics

⁣Eric Clapton Attacked

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GenerationLESS 3 years ago

This race card B.S. has long played itself out. What did Clapton say that was racist? Nice exposure of this media femon.

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Duugus 3 years ago

I don't keep track of all these statements by the press, but I know that they have said both sides of the argument over their careers. Thank you for the dig into the past. This was awesome hypocrisy reveal.

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sauger1001 3 years ago

It's NOT a vaxx, but a gene therapy toxin.

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sauger1001 3 years ago

Is Joy Reid competing for the title of "Head Media Whore", against Rachel Maddow? Just asking for a friend.

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sauger1001 3 years ago

Wonder if Clapton has been red pilled from his ordeal. If the propaganda is called out, and Lord help you if you mention natural remedies like supplements (Vitamin D?) or herbs, you quickly find who your "supporters" are, and who wants to shut you up (big pharma?).
Hint: Follow the money, and stay away from the FNM programming.

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